its closing in on us, what you were left wondering about in the light, its coming for you in the dark..

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Team Fortress 2
Rave 5 Thg05 @ 12:33pm 
sand ♥♥♥♥♥ ahh profile
Fishy 2 Thg05 @ 3:25pm 
how did you know?
TotalOutOfShape 2 Thg05 @ 12:50pm 
a racist turd - being absolutely pathetic himself - avoid!
Fishy 14 Thg03 @ 10:21am 
they don't know me son
bell 14 Thg03 @ 2:39am 
fishy challenge him to a spy MGE
Pinocchio 13 Thg03 @ 11:46am 