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36 van de 36 (100%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Are they slow-moving, Chief?

Kill 500 enemy grunts
Ontgrendeld op 1 feb 2015 om 3:04

Our war has just begun

Kill 1000 enemies
Ontgrendeld op 1 feb 2015 om 12:20

Don't get all stingy with your bullets

Kill 5000 enemies
Ontgrendeld op 20 feb 2015 om 9:38

I'll teach ya how to shoot!

Kill any 100 enemy with the shotgun
Ontgrendeld op 1 feb 2015 om 2:51

You've got...the bite!

Kill 20 enemies as they revive
Ontgrendeld op 1 feb 2015 om 3:00

Got you, didn't I, you little sucker!

Kill a suicide grunt by hitting his grenade
Ontgrendeld op 1 feb 2015 om 2:50

Keep your damn filthy bones out of my mouth!

Kill 100 skeletons with explosives
Ontgrendeld op 7 feb 2015 om 3:43

You want me to salute that pile of walking pus? Salute my ass

Defeat the Final Boss
Ontgrendeld op 6 feb 2015 om 7:25

I have to get that gun!

Pick up a shotgun
Ontgrendeld op 4 feb 2015 om 11:05

I kick arse for the Lord!

Pick up the Preacher
Ontgrendeld op 1 feb 2015 om 2:43

If there is such a thing as hell on earth, that's it

Successfully complete Chapter 1 with 4 players
Ontgrendeld op 1 mrt 2015 om 7:24

Into the fire

Successfully complete Chapter 2 with 4 players
Ontgrendeld op 14 feb 2015 om 11:25

Descent into hell

Successfully complete Chapter 3 with 4 players
Ontgrendeld op 14 feb 2015 om 12:01

This is going to be a bumpy ride

Successfully complete Chapter 4 with 4 players
Ontgrendeld op 20 feb 2015 om 12:43

Code Red

Successfully complete Chapter 5 with 4 players
Ontgrendeld op 20 feb 2015 om 13:43

This calls for divine intervention!

Successfully complete All Chapters 4 players on Elite Difficulty
Ontgrendeld op 1 mrt 2015 om 7:24

Somebody's got to survive!

Get at least 10 for 1 explosive kill in 4 player co-op
Ontgrendeld op 14 feb 2015 om 11:36

I'm gonna eat your brains and gain your knowledge

Get at least 15 for 1 explosive kill in 4 player co-op
Ontgrendeld op 14 feb 2015 om 11:36

Come and get it! It's a running buffet!

Get at least 20 for 1 explosive kill in 4 player co-op
Ontgrendeld op 14 feb 2015 om 11:36

They just keep going...going.

Kick 50 enemies down in co-op
Ontgrendeld op 17 feb 2015 om 2:47

I'm running this monkey farm now

Kill 20 Snipers in co-op
Ontgrendeld op 7 feb 2015 om 3:35

There's too many of them!

Kill 2000 enemy grunts in co-op
Ontgrendeld op 1 mrt 2015 om 7:59

Zombie Kill of the Week

Kill 20 Elites in co-op
Ontgrendeld op 20 feb 2015 om 9:53

Just in case we make it

Collect all Gold Bars
Ontgrendeld op 19 feb 2015 om 4:53

They must be destroyed on sight!

Find and shoot all the bottles of blood
Ontgrendeld op 5 feb 2015 om 12:29

Fire extinguisher

Defeat a Fire Demon
Ontgrendeld op 1 feb 2015 om 11:53

Snuff them out

Defeat 100 ignited zombies
Ontgrendeld op 5 feb 2015 om 10:55

Psychic silencer

Defeat 20 Summoners
Ontgrendeld op 14 feb 2015 om 11:24

Fire engine

Defeat 10 Fire Demons
Ontgrendeld op 18 feb 2015 om 11:14

Elite pickpocket

Loot an Elite's corpse
Ontgrendeld op 4 feb 2015 om 13:29

Nine tenths of the law

Become possessed
Ontgrendeld op 1 feb 2015 om 2:56

Answer the Devil's call

Pick up a phone
Ontgrendeld op 4 feb 2015 om 11:22

Look, he's a twitcher

Kill the trapped Elite
Ontgrendeld op 5 feb 2015 om 12:28

Right in the face

Defeat 500 enemies with headshots
Ontgrendeld op 4 feb 2015 om 11:02

Every bullet counts

Get a 5-for-1 kill with any sniper rifle
Ontgrendeld op 1 feb 2015 om 2:52

Have you come in contact with...the infected?

Own 2 Nazi Zombie Army games
Ontgrendeld op 3 mrt 2014 om 14:45