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19.3 hrs last two weeks / 2,233.1 hrs on record (1,731.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: Dec 26, 2020 @ 1:19am

Do i recommend it? Yes, a thousand times, yes!

Look at my playtime, yo. I am still not tired of the game, and i've barely grazed mods.

Isaac is not just my favorite roguelike game. It is also my gold standard of roguelikes. Every roguelike I compare to isaac in one way or another. If you have any inkling of interest in roguelikes, you NEED this in your library. Trust me.

Side note: If you have the spare cash for it, I strongly recommend Four Souls to any current Isaac fans if you haven't palyed that yet. it's basically isaac as a table top game. Actually it IS an isaac Tabletop game. In both aesthetics and mechanics! Really fun stuff!
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