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Nedávné recenze uživatele BUG STOMPER

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my gf made me play this game
Odesláno 7. července.
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263.1 hodin celkem (190.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This game has one focus and that is making sure that players are having the most fun that they can. I've never had this much fun as an adult playing a video game than I do right now.

I do worry that the design philosophy of the devs sometimes focuses more on nerfing weapons more than making them fun to use (the railcannon) but otherwise they've done a fantastic job at the base level of making a really fun and unique experience that is blood-pumping and adrenaline inducing fun. Sony and Arrowhead may have their blunders, but ultimately have reversed their original PSN requirement as well. So that shows me good faith. I hope that those who have previously left in protest will return as a new but familiar enemy rears its ugly head, and we will need all the Helldivers we can get.

Edit: The devs do not gaf about fun. They hit us hard in the beginning and now do not care anymore about the playerbase.
Odesláno 6. května. Naposledy upraveno 11. května.
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151.4 hodin celkem
I have never played this game, but I'm sure it's great!
Odesláno 28. prosince 2022.
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47.3 hodin celkem (26.4 hodin v době psaní recenze)
My profile picture is a Tomato holding a machine gun, and my favorite game is a game about a tomato VS other vegetables. I guess vegetables are my thing. So when I see a game where you can SHOOT vegetable guns against fellow farmers just trying to make due... I was instantly intrigued. I was not disappointed when I booted up the game either.

Shotgun farmers is pure fun, and I really enjoy playing. I hope that a more active community can slowly grow as the game successfully launches out of Early Access this day. If you buy this game, you're looking for a great time that'll last you quite a while.

The most important things, (I believe) for this game to focus on is more content to get people interested and to play longer. Community growth and game expansion, basically. Events are always nice too. Thank you for the game developers, you've done a real nice job!
Odesláno 8. března 2019.
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57 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
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2.3 hodin celkem (0.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)

I have a lot to say about the first and now second Tomato Way game. I absolutely loved the first game, unironically of course. I liked the idea, I liked the combat even though it wasn't too polished, and I liked the overlaying story that you really had to look for to truly appreciate it. This game is a different case however. I'm going to do two things, I'm going to compare this game to the first game and then rate this game as a standalone game.

Tomato Way 2 Vs. Tomato Way 1

Tomato Way 2 does have better optimization, and better graphics. Tomato Way 2 is much easier to look at.

Tomato Way 2 has some good quality cutscenes! The cutscenes and cinematic value has increased greatly!

Tomato way 1 however has skippable cutscenes whereas in Tomato Way 2 you cannot skip the cutscenes, making the beginning of the game a pain if you've already played it once. I had to restart my entire game after the first section and I had to watch a whole minute of cutscenes again. I should mention this now, replaying this game is also not fun with all of the bugs(which I will mention soon)

Checkpoints are better in Tomato Way 2. Nothing more needs to be said, if you've played Tomato Way 1, you know I'm right.

Combat is better in Tomato Way 1. (Will go over this soon)

Story is better in Tomato Way 2. What Tomato Way 2 lacks in engaging combat is a nicely wrapped story about Tomates father.

Unfortunately, I cannot talk about boss fights because I only encountered one boss fight in Tomato Way 2, but it was actually the most fun I had in the game before I had to stop playing. (Will get back to why I had to stop playing soon) So both Tomato Way 1&2 have engaging boss fights.

Overall, Tomato Way 2 has a better story, and technically is a big advancement graphically from the first game, but the first game is more fun. The combat is better in the first game, and so is the fast paced action. In this game, you mostly have to run away from everything until you absolutely have to fight, and usually you'll just hire a body guard to do it for you because fighting in this game is a pain. (More details next)

Now.. Tomato Way 2 as a solo game. If you take Tomato Way 1 out of the equation, what is left?

Well I feel like the first thing I need to address is that the change to third person was not the best idea. It's not preference either, third person games are fun. For example, Nier Automata. The problem with the Third Person view in this game is that it just doesn't work. The combat is slow and wonky, and the camera doesn't move with your mouse, your character will always look at where he is going. So the best way to fight enemies is to either stand in front of them because there is no strafing in this game and just hit them, shoot them from a distance which usually doesn't work for long because the crowds of enemies can quickly catch up with you, or use your right click and choose from a list of abilities that you can use. The problem is, the game doesn't tell you what these abilities do. They're on your back or something and one of them can stun and instantly kill enemies but you're really never gonna know what ability you have unless you go out of your way to test them all, but you cant do this in the beginning of the game when you need to do it because you dont have silver.

Point is, the combat is not polished, and it is not fun. I do not like to go back to the Tomato Way comparison but the combat there was so much more engaging. You were constantly strafing, you had to actually aim your gun. Your shots mattered, and in general it was much more engaging.

The combat in this game is not good, and I think a lot more attention needs to go to tweaking the combat system to make it more fun.
NOTE: I played with a keyboard, perhaps playing with a controller makes the combat tolerable in which case, ignore all of this. I didn't bother trying to hook up a controller because of my next issue.

This game is filled with bugs. Bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs. I can name two that slow the entire game down for you.

Ontop of most of your time being spent in this game running away from enemies, or trying to fight them and accidently walking ontop of their heads, the game is filled with bugs. For example, in the library section of the game, there is a ladder in the back next to a secret door I assume you're not supposed to know about until a little bit later in the game. Want to know how I found out about this door? There's a ladder right next to it that's out in the open, and my curiousity peaked. I went and tried to climb the ladder and I ended up climbing it really slowly. But I only got a quarter of the way up because eventually it just stuck me on the other side of the wall and I had to restart the game. That was annoying, and so was clipping through the railing on the huge spiral stairway. That's right, railings which are supposed to stop you from falling are actually just magic tricks. The railings are just there for show, you'll fall to the bottom of the spiral walkway if you think you can lean on them. I also accidently fell multiple times, which made the whole process so so annoying. The area also forces you to fight monsters which is already a pain, get what I'm saying?

Point is, the game just isn't fun or wacky enough to keep the player involved like it did in Tomato Way. If Tomato Way wasn't released and this was just a standalone game, people probably wouldn't play it. I am going to recommend this game even though the game is buggy, frustrating, and unpolished. If you're a fan of the first game, you should definitely give this game a try, but maybe wait til it goes on sale again. A lot of bugs need to be fixed, and I think the combat definitely needs some tweaking. When these issues are fixed, and the game is cheaper, then I think the fans of Tomato Way should definitely come back and give this game another try. And if you have not played Tomato Way, you really should. Once you've done that, come back and give this game a try, but if you're not interested in Tomato Way, you will not be interested in this game either. It's worth the experience, but it's not quite worth the money in its current state. I know that I will come back once the game is more polished, and I will definitely be itching in my seat to give this game the props it deserves because I know a lot of time did go into this game. Nothing but love and respect to the developer, and I hope you and the Tomato Way series thrives!
Odesláno 12. července 2018.
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Vývojář reagoval dne 12. čvc. 2018 v 12.43 (zobrazit reakci)
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16.1 hodin celkem
After the colossal flop of The Walking Dead S3, this is a MUCH needed game for Telltales reputation as a game developer. Absolutely amazing, I can promise that this is a game that you WILL enjoy and surely remember for a long while.
Odesláno 28. března 2018.
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4.0 hodin celkem (1.5 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Tomato way is as silly as it looks. As of recent, there are three episodes and an arena which you can finish in about an hour and thirty minutes. There are english subtitles, however they're spoken in a different language, it doesn't matter though, because there's only about 4-5 dialog parts in the game. (Press ESC to skip cutscenes)
They dont recycle monsters as you progress in the game, infact the design of most of the characters in this game are very uniquely done, however theres not much difficulty added to the monsters, they just have a ♥♥♥♥ ton more health. (Not including the bosses)
In all of the maps, there are little details you can often find and take part in, like breaking boxes, or exploring big ass skeletons, and breaking boxes for either powerups, or a random enemy. Yo ♥♥♥♥ the checkpoints though, I think it tells you that you've reached a checkpoint where a cutscene of the totato is swinging his massive fork in a line but I dont know, the checkpoints are ♥♥♥♥♥.

PERFORMANCE & GRAPHICS: I cant really speak much for the graphics, they're not that impressive. The game on the other hand runs fine overall, however there are times where your frames will drop beyond the IQ of Nicole Arbor, and you will have to either die or restart the whole level to get them up again.

ARENA MODE: It basically presents to you all the monsters you encounter through the game as time goes on, but it gets pretty stale after a while and is fun for about 7-13 minutes.

Episode 1: This part of the game started it all. You spawn in a flat desert with a building in the middle of it, and when you walk to the end of the map, theres nothing there except a bottomless pit of which if you fall into, you'll have to restart the whole game. From there, you fight four types of disgusting looking enemies as you wander underground the bar, saving the lives of your tomato brothers and sisters, discovering a darker truth along the way.

Episode 2: This map has the most detail out of either episode, and I really enjoyed exploring the map (except when my frames jumped out of a space ship all the way to the surface of Earth) Its shorter than the first episode, and is basically the same format, go here, then there, kill these guys, and go there, but it doesnt have any feelings of repetition at all.

Episode 3: Its the final episode, with a very small map, and one tall building that you have to climb. I didnt really have time to see how much detail there was in the building because of annoying and god-awfully soul draining the monsters in episode are. They take your health by the twenties and they take a whole 30 rounds of a machine gun to kill, they're awful. I suggest just running to the end of the map where the extra ammo and supplies are, go back and kill the monsters, and explore the building. When you're finally ready, when you reach the top floor, you'll be experienced with a very weird and confusing boss fight, which essentially all you do is run around in a circle and fire endless amounts of bullets into it.

Statement: its like an acid trip, just go along with it man, its cool.

Overall, the weirdness and uniqueness of the gameplay, maps, and characters you see and meet in the game make up for the lack of exciting story and compelling fights. Its not that difficult of a game, it does have bugs here and there but it is fixable with just a simple death or restart. I thought it was hilarious all the way through, and I think a lot of people will too, however this game is definitely not for everyone. I think the idea or concept the developer had about making this game could be expanded on in a series of comics, a show, or even more games, and I hope to hear more from Tomato Way in the future.
Odesláno 28. září 2017.
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All bout dat moneyz yo
Odesláno 14. března 2015.
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26.4 hodin celkem (5.4 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Thing is, everyone u love dies, the end.
Odesláno 6. března 2015.
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480.3 hodin celkem (232.6 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Odesláno 27. prosince 2014. Naposledy upraveno 23. února 2018.
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