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Bob 4 aout 2021 à 7h52 
Good player, Likes boats!
Flotas 5 juil. 2016 à 15h58 
+rep good player and plantmeister ;D
the_ko0K 6 juin 2015 à 16h57 
Dom 6 juin 2015 à 12h19 
BL00DHOUND187 24 janv. 2013 à 16h50 
Dont forget Friday at 6pm My time so thats 7pm your time. Cya then mate dont forget your Gun, you'll need it :p haha jokes but really game face on :p
BL00DHOUND187 24 janv. 2013 à 9h52 from that you can download the DayZ patches and stuff from the install/update part of that. also makes finding servers faster and easier. Looking forward to tomorrow mate its all looking good so far :D