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Seneste anmeldelser af Spamlynguist

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13 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
6.6 timer registreret i alt
Back in 2015 I came across this game and it totally kickstarted my interest in Point and Click adventure games.

It's incredibly polished, clever and funny. The voice acting is also really top-notch, with characters you want to know more about. And don't get me started on the pixelart! It's gorgeous and get ready to mash that screenshot button at all times, it's really that good.

The puzzles are great and require some thinking and a little bit (or a lot) of headscratching.

If you haven't picked it up already I would highly recommend you do! It's quite cheap in sales (2,99 euros) but it's also worth the full price!
Skrevet: 27. juni 2020.
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En udvikler svarede d. 27. juni 2020 kl. 8:33 (vis svar)
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