Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
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12 of 22 (55%) Prestaties behaald::

Persoonlijke prestaties


Get a total score of 25,000
Ontgrendeld op 26 jan 2018 om 22:29


Get a total score of 50,000
Ontgrendeld op 26 jan 2018 om 22:29


Get a total score of 100,000
Ontgrendeld op 26 jan 2018 om 22:29


Get a total score of 250,000
Ontgrendeld op 26 jan 2018 om 22:39

Go to Beijing

Unlock Beijing
Ontgrendeld op 26 jan 2018 om 22:29

Go to Paris

Unlock Paris
Ontgrendeld op 26 jan 2018 om 22:39

Poop in the soup

Poop right in the soup!
Ontgrendeld op 26 jan 2018 om 21:56

I scream

Poop right in his icecream...mmm...
Ontgrendeld op 26 jan 2018 om 22:05

Dishonor the family

Poop all over the family
Ontgrendeld op 26 jan 2018 om 22:33

The floor is Lava

Do not touch the floor in Beijing
Ontgrendeld op 26 jan 2018 om 22:34

Baby you're a firework

Use the firework ability
Ontgrendeld op 26 jan 2018 om 22:39

Boom Boom Boom

Use the bomb ability
Ontgrendeld op 26 jan 2018 om 22:29

Baguette Combo

Poop on madame and monsieur baguette

Hairy Armpit Combo

Poop on all the french girls

NYC To-Pooper

Complete the NYC to-poo list

Paris To-Pooper

Complete the Paris to-poo list

Beijing To-Pooper

Complete the Beijing to-poo list

Shouldn't have had that Mexican

Use the runny tummy ability


Get a total score of 500,000

Master To-Pooper

Complete all the to-poo lists


Get a total score of 750,000


Get a total score of 1,000,000