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Diposting: 25 Nov 2024 @ 11:08am
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Very short puzzle game that might consider lowering its price.

You can move and interact just like in any other first-person game. The location is quite small, so identifying interesting spots should be easy. You can only explore a bar and an office. Hotspots are not identified, although they do receive a faint highlight when your cursor passes over them. When you click on a hotspot, you can pick up an object or use something.

To use items from the inventory at the top of the screen, you must first "lock" the screen. This unfreezes the mouse cursor, which can then be used to examine items, drag them to another spot on the screen, or hold them in your hand. This is important because some challenges can be solved by holding an item in your hand, like with the light and shadow puzzle.

The game is very short and has only a few puzzles. Except for one where you look for numbers in a book to open a sage, the rest of them are pretty easy. If you get stuck on something, there are hits for each puzzle that disclose clues one at a time until you reach the final solution.

There are no achievements or extras. You can collect eight treasures, but they do not unlock anything. Because of low content and short playtime, the price is a bit too high. It’s a nice little game, but I’d suggest to wait for a discount.
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Phil Worcester  [pengembang] Diposting: 25 Nov 2024 @ 12:00pm
Thanks for your thoughtful review Sosich! I agree the game is more expensive than most dollar per minute, I aim for an 'experience' rather than a grind. That said, I value community feedback and will keep my ears open regarding this issue.
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