
Sophia<3 の最近のレビュー

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Nice artwork, generally okay looking, easy to run on most PCs, it's a bit bland at times but it's very fair and unassuming to itself and the players.

投稿日 2015年2月16日.
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28 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
If you like hidden object games this one at least has a plot. Artwork is very pretty,
Map feature makes this an easy one to work around. Typical bizarre plot about the ghost of a pirate that kidnaps a young girl to substitute for his long lost and ghostly lost love. The player is the girls mother and you have to rescue her. There is an extension to the game to get home. Inexpensive good first or second game for someone who's yet to experience true classics like the Syberia series, or perhaps some older DOS games like GABRIEL KNIGHT! That's that stuff I like.

3.5/5, not the best in its genre, but great for kids. UI takes a bit of getting used to.
投稿日 2014年10月26日.
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19 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
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There is nothing bad to say about this game. Nothing.

The soundtrack is a unique, atmospheric montage of skillfully crafted musical sounds. The gameplay is flawless and exciting, and can be quite the challenge to those who think they've seen all the game has to offer! With an intricate overworld, gorgeous scenery, and riveting gameplay, this is a must-have game for anyone who enjoys platformers or video games in general.

There are hidden spots in every level where you can sit and enjoy the scenery for as long as you like, all while relaxing to the fabulous soundtrack. There are hidden secrets which add to the game's depth as you struggle to find at least one in every level of every one of the four worlds. For an indie game, it does everything right.

The controls are responsive and they will not miss an input unless you put in a dash while you're in the air (as that won't happen on any game anyways). Each level is better than the last, and there's a Tome of Levels for you to visit your favorites if you choose not to run through the overworld to get to it. Please play it with a controller, as keyboard takes getting used to.

All in all, this game is wonderful. For me personally not worth 10 bucks or whatever it goes for, but you can get it every few months in a bundle for a dollar with some other games, so there's always that.
投稿日 2014年10月26日.
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36 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
It's free, it seems fun, but I can't run it properly with a Radeon 3650, and a C2D E5300, 3GB DDR2, Windows 7, does like 18fps on 1920x1080, and playing on a lower resolution is just no fun.

Definitely will be coming back to it after I get a PC that doesn't suck, until then I guess you guys will just have to have fun without me Q_Q.

I've played it on my PS3 however when it was free on PSN+, so I can say that the single player experience is not as good or nearly as fun as it is multiplayer,

- game elements (objectives, npc locations, enemy spawns) change from game to game, making each game feel relatively unique

- one to four player co-op against extremely crafty AI

- extremely replayable, dedicated players often have hundreds of hours logged

- brilliant adrenaline pumping soundtrack, or just use your own songs, I guess.

- good variety of weapons and tools augmented by a leveling system to keep you grinding

- unique rubberband P2P (I think it is) netcode makes game run smoothly regardless of players' distance from each other

- sense of teamwork and accomplishment from really thrashing a heist is amazing, even when you screw it up it's good too, it adds a sense of realism.

- the higher difficulties are quite hard, very easy to fail on if a team doesn't work together well, which, again, is why I recommend having people to play with.

- the developers constantly work to improve the game and tend to be very vocal within the game's community, which is why we got this game for free now.
投稿日 2014年10月17日.
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4 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
Great game, thoroughly enjoyed it!
投稿日 2014年6月22日.
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