
Последние обзоры Skarth

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The gameplay seems to be a knockoff of harvest moon using some type of RPG maker game, but it's very basic and simplified.

You play as Bob, who has no memory of anything, he's a phsycopath that decides to threaten to kill people, gets punished, and determines that the police and government are in his way of making profits because taxes suck and he didn't agree to the rules of society.

There is some kind of weird teenager "I am so SMRT" anti-government political message that I don't really comprehend, as the game ends with a civil war Bob helped cause, everyone dies, but Bob, who goes to a new village thats peaceful and happy and way way better for some undefined reason, but at least, Bob is now rich from being an armsdealer.

You have to do some things in a particular order to progress the game, and it's not always clear what or exactly who to talk to.

You can blast through the game pretty fast by just save scumming gambling at the Casino. Once you get 50k or so you can just buy everything you need.

The dialogue is forgettable, with such things as "I'm Poor" "I'm Rich" "♥♥♥♥" "Damn" "I'm a hot pirate" "Work is hard"

If your looking for entertainment, well, you might find a tiny amount in trying to speed through the game before the 2 hour refund window.
Опубликовано 7 августа.
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0.8 ч. всего
The basic gameplay is that a number of players spawn on the outskirts of a tropical island, and need to obtain a treasure, signal a escape chopper with a flare, and extract, with multiple people able to "win". This is the basic goal of a bit older (but now dead) game, S.O.S.

I played one round of the game by myself to check it out. You spawn on a beach, and there is a combat knife next to you to pick up in a box, as you go in-land, you'll find a keyring, then can collect potentially a gun, flare, or explosives (which "opens" up one of the bosse's entrances). I managed to get all the items and a treasure, and even found the underground area, but after lighting a flare on the beach, the roaming helicopter never came to get me, leaving me to eventually just exit the game.

The game has a very janky feel to it, animations are stiff (punching does a punch animation that doesn't follow your up/down view). I tried to punch a crab, but, no dice. The gun doesn't aim down the center of your screen, it's offset, and fires as fast as you can click.

There is no one playing the game, (All time high of 6 people according to steam charts) so the only way to actually play is either by yourself, or get some friends to play it with you, neither of which I recommend.

I was a very big fan of the original S.O.S. game (And The Culling, a very similar game, but both had their servers go offline), and would love to have a replacement, but, this is not it.
Опубликовано 20 февраля 2022 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 4
11.8 ч. всего
Had good potential, but it lacks balancing.

The game is unbalanced at low rank on both sides. As a survivor you don't have enough equipment/unlocks to fight high rank masterminds. As a low rank mastermind, you don't have enough equipment/unlocks to fight high rank survivors. Being required to play 40+ hours disadvantaged just to get on a level playing field will drive away all new players.

The game also fatally suffers from each match being hosted by the Mastermind, who benefits greatly from having a bad connection by making everyone else lag. If you get pitted against a russian Mastermind, might as well Alt+f4 cause it won't be playable.

More balancing and polish would be needed for this game to succeed, as it is, it's critically low on player count and steadily dying.
Опубликовано 11 октября 2020 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 2
1.5 ч. всего
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Another barely functional rust wannabe clone.

The video for the game shows weapons, vehicles, and crafting. In an hour and a half, I found none of these, just empty containers.

You literally walk around for a while and die to a zombie. Hit detection is so bad you can punch walls behind yourself (And is actually more effective than aiming at zombies!)

Pass on it, this is a money grab. If your desperate to play it, remember you have only two hours to refund!
Опубликовано 23 декабря 2017 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 5
1.2 ч. всего
TLDR Version : It's a turd, even for $1.

This game uses commonly available assests and does nothing to distinguish itself. It's a super generic FPS, enemy AI consists of running straight at you (and nothing else).

The option menu lets you set the graphics to low, medium, or high. Thats it, no control or mouse bindings.

Some of the things that might sound like it has depth, exist only to make it seem like it has some. There is a hunger system (you starve to death in 5 minutes), weapons degrade (After X amount of shots, your gun breaks, cannot repair or get a replacement), and the "story" is litterally a paragraph of text. There is no ending, after the last level, you just go straight to menu.

You can beat the game in about 45 minutes, and there is no difficulty other than easy. My health never went below 100, nor did I ever use a healing item.

This "game" was probably thrown together by a college student in a week as a class assignment, it's that poor.

The only positive thing I can say, is I didn't suffer any bugs, didn't fall through the floor/walls/world, or get stuck inside geometry.
Опубликовано 13 февраля 2017 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 5
1.8 ч. всего
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The game is slightly rogue-like, you can't name your own character, and has a preset class. When you die, you make a new character.

This game is more like a tech-demo or a proof of concept. Actual survival is flat out easy, just stay in the city untill the heat death of the universe. Because survival is easy, there is no real goal to the game.

There is also no one playing this game, I saw 5 people on at prime time. Shame that a game goes to dead status in only a month!
Опубликовано 15 мая 2016 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 53
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5.6 ч. всего (3.5 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
*Gives that "rust at launch" feeling.
*Waterworld type premesis is more interesting than the other dayz/rust clones offer.
*Fair amount of stuff in underwater, giving you a new way to explore.

*Hackers, Hackers as far as the eye can see. This game runs on Unity which has boatloads and boatloads of hackers, both figuritively, and litterally.
*Advertised Battle mode is not in game, which was a main buying point for me.
*Virtually no game population. I saw a peak of 8 players on the most populated official server. Theres 30+ servers, and maybe 12 players online in the whole game.
*Many exploits and bugs that happened in H20 are indentical to ones in Rust at launch.

Verdict : I want to play this game, I really do! But the same reason I left Rust, H1Z1, Aftermath, and such games remains. There is no effective anti-cheat, and it looks very much like this game will be plagued by hackers for its lifetime.

*Note - As of this writing, Hackers can do the following, Spawn any items, Instant kill whole server, teleport to players, and ESP. Furthermore, according to offsite game forums, you can use cracked versions of the game to play online, grant yourself admin powers, and disable showing your steamID. Bans have no effect, as hackers can just generate themselves a new fake ID to continue playing.
Опубликовано 13 мая 2016 г..
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21.9 ч. всего (21.3 ч. в момент написания)
- Game involves thinking and social ability instead of twitch reflexes
- Lots of roles
- Cash shop is pretty fair, you can buy cosmetics, or scrolls that increase your chance of getting a role
- Cash shop money is earned as well as bought for

- This game can be played for free in a web browser, there is no benefit to buying this game on steam
- Because the game is all about mind-games, two people playing together (or one person playing many free accounts) can ruin the entire game very easily. Expect this to happen in about 1/4 of all games you play
- The game is very slow paced, the average match will take about 25 minutes to completion
- You can lose a match with no chance of winning the first night
- There is no punishment for cheating
Опубликовано 9 января 2016 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 11
0.3 ч. всего
Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
Game is unplayable.

You join/create a game, you can move for a few seconds, then the gamescreen goes grey and you can't do anything, have to force close the game.
Опубликовано 25 декабря 2015 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 7
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор забавным: 8
3.9 ч. всего (2.3 ч. в момент написания)
I don't get this game, I wandered around in the campsite level for over an hour, nothing happens. I was under the impression a murderer was supposed to come after you or something. I guess your supposed to just be a murderer yourself and kill your completely passive teammates? Either that, or it's another alpha game released before they even put in the basic gameplay.

I suggest you avoid.
Опубликовано 12 апреля 2015 г..
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