卄8ᗪ乇爪ㄖ几 ϬϬϬ ⸸
5198002   Antarctica
:ws_daman: i sold my soul & all i got was this lousy t-shirt :heart_devil:
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CRIMINAL RECORD [steamrep.com]
Jocul favorit
frog.fan 16 apr. la 16:02 
do not order the 'mcdoubledouble'. they will laugh at u :steamsad:
jack_me_or_clap_me 31 mart. la 15:43 
i guess you probably dont even like these small boobies :(
frog.fan 24 mart. la 19:03 
steam market transactions: 6,129, stock market transactions: 26,513 , big trader, billboards on wall street:demoticon:
Benny Hannah 11 mart. la 18:40 
+ rep standing on business
jack_me_or_clap_me 11 mart. la 18:04 
Wow what an amazing upstanding citizen. For that I might just take away my - rep
卄8ᗪ乇爪ㄖ几 ϬϬϬ ⸸ 10 mart. la 20:31 
let the record show i am a ferm believer in the amendment of free speech so i will not be deleting this internet trolls comment. I have loved before let the record show just cuz im already all the way here so i might aswell show that for the record.