sens 0.8, 800dpi, 1024x768

2fast4you []

Expositor de artwork
drug addict
✪ BOT fasolak 12 ABR a las 12:49 p. m. 
mega szybki
R1ddd 7 ABR a las 5:33 a. m. 
dude, dont talk, u was the first guy, who starting flameing, already in the faceit lobby, then u trolling, ofc i go mad, when u still so bad, dont care me the ban dude, i am better then u so dont care me the ban
R1ddd 6 ABR a las 7:11 p. m. 
use a headset, then u can talk u little kid
R1ddd 6 ABR a las 7:09 p. m. 
-rep ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ racist serbia, but no headset and no skill, i love guys like u, bastard
homerbrother aka cachorrão 3 MAR a las 10:51 a. m. 
kalifekgottabeat 1 MAR a las 12:07 p. m. 
razem z toba