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3 people found this review helpful
8.2 hrs on record
Overall I enjoyed this game. It has a reminiscent feel of older Resident Evil games with a 3rd-person, tank controls, fixed camera angles, limited inventory, and a maze-like mansion. You play as Emily a police officer looking for her sister who has gone missing. Uncover the mystery of the MUTE HOUSE and the creepy experiments going on inside. Mild trigger warnings gore, kidnappings .

I liked thee game but the one MAJOR issue that I have with it is the lack of a map. There's a few other things I disliked about the game (will list in the cons), but I don't consider it game breaking. The lack of a map really puts a huge downer on this game and makes you wander around a lot more than necessary trying to remember where certain locations are.

* You can save as much as you want in save rooms
* You can pet the kitty
* Amazing voice acting
* Controller friendly (I used 8-bit Pro Duo)
* Great story told both via voice acting and notes you find in the mansion
* Amazing sound effects creating a spooky atmosphere
* Simplistic controls (I used a controller)
* Auto aim
* Retro fixed camera angles
* Fun puzzles that match the story
* Limited boss battles that aren't too hard to figure out battle mechanics for

* NO MAP (it REALLY needs a map)
* No notes/memo section (you have to take manual notes to remember combinations yourself - hint hint)
* Storage chests are not universal (each save room has it's own and can only be accessed in that room)
* Tank controls (I prefer 2D controls and would have liked an option, but wasn't too big of an issue)
* Enemies are bullet sponges
* No difficulty settings
* Reload system is weird an you can accidentally drop ammo if you're not careful
* Character turns toward enemies if she's too close to them even if running (which makes h er get caught easier)
* Enemy hit boxes seem rather wide-ranged
* No melee weapon
* Seemingly no good way to throw enemies off you (mashing buttons didn't seem to help)

Posted February 14.
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5 people found this review helpful
4.9 hrs on record
I received this game for free from Daniele Doesn't Matter, thank you! You can also find me in the game on a Wanted Poster (go find me)!

This is the 2nd installment to the Scary Shadow Spot series - a Twilight Zone-like indie horror game franchise. In this game you play as John Doe who is wandering in a deserted (mostly) town to learn about the deaths of the cowboy gang the "Demons of the Apocalypse" and find out how/why they died while exploring your own mysterious existence in this eerie location.

If you like puzzles and intriguing story lines, you'll love this game! There is no combat. I think this is the weakest of Daniele's games so far (and I've played them all), but it was still a lot of fun to play and I was very entertained by it.

I can't wait to see what the next installment in the Scary Shadow Spot series brings!

* Engaging story
* Easy controls (K&M only)
* Easy UI system
* Items replenish over time so you'll never run out (healing, save tokens, etc)
* Once you get the lantern, you'll never need candles (so throw them and matches away)
* Pretty graphics
* Fun puzzles
* Fun collectables (streamer "Wanted" posters)
* Manual saves with coins at cash registers (must have a coin to save)
* Large inventory
* Interesting use of health/anxiety meter (BARFING!)

* No controller support
* Limited sound effects and music
* No voice acting other than the narrator (which is AI)
* AI voice acting from the narrator feels a bit off and the accent doesn't fit the genre
* I could only find one hiding spot to get away from the female witch/ghoul; otherwise you just have to keep running until she disappears or you go to the correct building location
* The only "deadly" monster is the female witch/ghoul

Posted February 6.
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10 people found this review helpful
13.1 hrs on record
I want to start by stating I was BLOWN away by the absolute quality of this game. I haven't played a game this detailed, engaging, and exciting in a long while. Pick up this game NOW if you're a fan of retro horror, indie horror, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, or any story-driven high-action horror RPG. 1000/10 for this game.

It's 2D pixel horror. The retro feel doesn't take away from the immersion one bit. All AAA game developers need to take note of this game and learn from it. Absolutely worth the price and then some.

This game does have some serious trigger warnings (I'll list as a spoiler) which are listed at the beginning of the game. Nothing is shown specifically on screen besides the blood/gore, but it is mentioned in the documentation you read while exploring the game. TW: human trafficking, kidnapping, sexual assault, rape, eugenics, physical abuse, child abuse.

I absolutely cannot wait for a sequel or more titles from this developer. *throws money at the screen*

* Fully voice acted (GREAT voice acting)
* Beautiful pixel graphics
* Beautiful anime style character profile icons
* One of the BEST written horror stories I've seen in a LONG while (I play a LOT of horror)
* Amazing sound design and music which immerses you
* Horrifying and scary monster design
* Auto mapping system and map pickup system (to show full areas of the game)
* Controller friendly and recommended (I used an 8-bit Pro Duo)
* 5 difficulty levels, each explained in detail how they affect the game
* New Game + Mode
* Plenty of save spots & you can save as much as you want (no save tokens to deal with)
* Universal item box to store all extra items
* Plenty of ammo and healing items
* Lengthy game play
* Fun and engaging boss battles

* No auto saves (not a big deal and the game warns you ahead of time)
* Limited item space with no bag upgrades (not a big deal since the universal item box system is well done)
* Game does NOT pause while you're in your inventory screen

Posted February 6.
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6 people found this review helpful
6.7 hrs on record
I had the opportunity to do some beta testing on this game before release to check out some of the game. Thank you to Poopsy for a copy. Sad I didn't make the QA credits however, even though I did give a lot of good feedback for the dev. RIP.

This is the first chapter of a multi-chapter story rich game series. It is a psychological horror game with a deep story narrative consisting of lots of puzzles. There is no fighting (except for the last boss battle which is more of a puzzle boss), so if you're looking for a fast-paced game, this is the wrong game for you. if you want something more thought provoking and story-driven, you will enjoy this game. Overall I enjoyed the game a lot and can't wait until Chapter 2 to see where the story of Vinnie continues towards.

TW: Game contains subject matter containing substance abuse, child abuse (neglect, emotional abuse, verbal abuse). No visuals, only audio and memos.

* Excellent story narrative
* Great voice acting
* Beautiful graphics
* Engaging environments
* Lots of puzzles
* Autosaves and checkpoints
* Simple UI system and inventory management

* Some glitches with keyboard and gamepad wanting to switch back and forth unexpectedly
* Gamepad not always working (Using 8-Bit Pro Duo) and would cut out randomly
* Reticle is way too small to be seen, needs to be larger
* Text is a bit small for those of us with visual issues (glasses!)
* Needs some more ambient sound effects or music to make it more immersive

Posted January 28. Last edited January 28.
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1 person found this review helpful
1.3 hrs on record
I honestly went into this game thinking it was a complete $#*& post or love letter to Silent Hill 4 and wasn't expecting much. But I was VERY wrong. This game was actually VERY entertaining and took just over an hour to complete. You play as Ethan who was tasked with investigating apartment (yes they spell the word Apartament incorrectly on purpose) 1406 for a colleague/friend in search of a missing person. You become trapped inside and must complete puzzles, fight spooky monsters, and find your way out!

Absolutely worth the price and playtime.

* Surprisingly good graphics
* Good voice acting
* Great use of ambient sound and sound effects
* Easy controls and UI
* Controller supported (used 8-Bit Pro Duo)
* Humorous/entertaining homage to classic PS2 horror games
* Story is a bit confusing - BUT THERE IS ONE
* Fun puzzles
* Flashlight actually lights stuff up

* Some text/grammatical errors
* Short (beat it in about 1.3 hours) - I actually wanted more by the end
* Not as spooky as I would have hoped
* Limited ammo, but didn't seem to be a big issue

Posted October 17, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
5.6 hrs on record
If you like Silent Hill or retro-PS2 era feeling horror games, you're gonna love Hollowbody. You play as Mica who is looking for her lost friend named Sasha in the ruins of an abandoned city riddled with corporate conspiracy and biohazards. This game has multiple endings and a NG+ mode allowing for extended gameplay and enjoyment.

* 2D or Tank control option
* M&K or Controller option (I used controller and it worked great)
* Amazing voice acting
* Great atmospheric sounds
* Fun weapons with lots of ammo
* Two difficulty settings (easy and normal)
* Autosaves and manual saves (as many as you want)
* Beautiful environments
* Puzzles that make sense to the game
* Good story that is enhanced by reading notes around the environments
* Multiple endings based on choices made throughout game play
* Collectibles to find
* Easy to understand UI system

* Needs a quick reload option/button for guns
* Swapping between weapons (melee or gun types) requires you to go into menu. Not a big deal but would be nice with a quick button. Can swap between melee and gun quickly but not between each melee and each gun type
* Map is terrible

Posted September 20, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
3.3 hrs on record
Another amazing and quirky title from Daniele Doesn't Matter. Thank you again for the copy & hanging out while I played it live!

This game is part one of a series of games themed like a "Twilight Zone" episode. In this game you play as Mark who is stuck inside a house learning the mystery behind his wife's death (?) and the car accident that changed everything. If you like puzzles, this game is full of them! Also there's lots of easter eggs floating around (look at the book titles, and translate them if you don't know Italian haha).

Absolutely worth playing if you enjoy puzzle horror titles with mystery story vibes.

Maybe one day Daniele will have me voice a monster or something for him in a game (HINT HINT)

* Engaging story
* Respawnable consumables (don't worry, you'll never run out!)
* Large inventory, though a little clunky to organize
* Engaging puzzles that make sense to the story
* Great voice acting
* Fun secrets/easter eggs to find
* Sound quality is EXCELLENT and fits atmospherically
* Engaging health/faith/anxiety meter
* Can save anytime with coins (respawnable) found throughout the house

* No controller support
* Candles seem useless with light switches and flashlight
* Can only hide from monster when you lose line of sight with them. Hard to tell if you do without turning around and getting smacked
* Load after death is bugged (Dev aware and is fixing) - so go into the menu and Load manually after hitting Restart
* Didn't have the streamer easter eggs that it normally does, but that's ok - though I wish there were stupid collectibles like his previous games (those are fun)
* AI artwork (♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Daniele)

Posted September 20, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
2.3 hrs on record
I received this game for free, thank you! This game you play as a small toddler named Aiden who is trying to escape his perception of reality or is it his nightmare (?); and find his comfort plushies in the process.

I had fun with this game. It's a basic collect xyz items with hide and seek monster scheme. It's not an overly deep game, but worth a playthrough if you enjoy a good hide-and seek style horror title.

Trigger Warning: domestic violence, spousal abuse, physical abuse

* Simplistic controls (M&K)
* Game guides you well with child pictures and tutorials throughout the whole game
* Few fun jump-scares
* Crying meter is a fun touch to the game
* Plenty of places to hide
* Plenty of stamina, anxiety recovery items
* Toggle on/off crouch (THANK YOU)
* GREAT voice acting

* Not much of a story until the very end when you realize what's going on
* Controller support is lacking and a can't use all functions that M&K have
* Game doesn't state the above mentioned trigger warnings at the beginning of the game (I think it should. It hits home for a lot of players/viewers)
* The one "map" you find in the game sincerely sucks and is worthless
* Some bugs (?) with being able to save multiple times at the Totoro beds
* No autosaves
* In-game volume control seems broken (had to turn down manually via Windows)
* Not enough health recovery items (apples)
* Sound design is minimal and could be enhanced for better immersion
* Tricycle is useless

Posted September 20, 2024. Last edited September 20, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
2.4 hrs on record
I was NOT expecting much out of a game that has a lot of Unity asset rehashes, but OMG was I absolutely wrong. This one is a gem of a game in a sea of janky indie horror. You play as David who is uncovering the past of the family he never knew (growing up as an orphan). This game involves a lot of puzzles, jump scares, and really well-thought out plot.

Trigger Warning: Lots of body gore/blood

* GREAT atmosphere - fits the game well
* Excellent use of sound effects and ambiance audio
* Fun jump scares
* Well designed plot
* Engaging environments
* Simple UI and controls
* Candle NEVER runs out (thank you)
* Auto saves frequently

* Controller is a bit wonky but works
* No map so you have to memorize all the room locations w/ puzzle locations
* Rehashed Unity locations, not necessarily bad, but environments aren't "new" but used VERY well
* No manual saves
* Can't change font size (it's kinda small but not bad)

Posted August 10, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
1.9 hrs on record
I really wish Steam would allow for a "mixed" review. I didn't hate this game, I didn't love it. I enjoyed it for what it was, thus the positive review, but it's not something that was overly mind-blowing and I can see why it may get negative reviews. With that in mind, this is the dev's first horror game, so I went in with little expectation and enjoyed myself. This game is very simplistic and short,

This game takes place in the Phasmophobia school map (YES THAT ONE) where you have to run around gathering items and solving puzzles to escape from the numerous creepy dolls roaming the halls. You begin to understand the origin of the dolls and their purpose, and why you have been kidnapped to this location.

* The lockers are the scariest part (LMAO)
* Dolls are creepy looking but repetitive (no variation)
* Story is simple and easy to understand
* Multiple auto-saves

* Not a unique or engaging environment (rehashed asset)
* Controller support is poor (attempted 8-bit Pro Duo)
* Sound design is mediocre
* Additional "monsters" are awkward and seem VERY out of place in the game
* The game ended very quickly and left me saying "Wait, that's it?"
* Once an enemy sees you (line of sight), you're screwed. They'll pursue you until they catch you and there's no way to defend yourself or run away (unless you can get to a new game section).

Posted June 26, 2024.
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