76561199021216380 Mar 19, 2023 @ 10:58am 
今天天气真好 有一起玩的吗 可以做你生理上女朋友 各取所需 q号是 4 9 0 I 2 9 0 1 9
76561198433484189 Feb 26, 2023 @ 2:03am 
就从今天开始我和闺蜜决定一起找做爱爸爸,最好是外地的,不想遇见熟人,年龄大于23岁的 我 QQ 4⑨0①②90①⑨
Joyce 👠 Oct 17, 2020 @ 4:33am 
I do hate sums. There is no greater mistake than to call arithmetic an
exact science. There are permutations and aberrations discernible to minds
entirely noble like mine; subtle variations which ordinary accountants fail
to discover; hidden laws of number which it requires a mind like mine to
perceive. For instance, if you add a sum from the bottom up, and then again
from the top down, the result is always different.
-- Mrs. La Touche
High heels are a device invented by a woman who was tired of being kissed
on the forehead.

IN MY OPINION anyone interested in improving himself should not rule out
becoming pure energy.
-- Jack Handley, The New Mexican, 1988.

Chuck Norris is the only person who can simultaneously hold and fire FIVE Uzis: One in each hand, one in each foot -- and the 5th one he roundhouse-kicks into the air, so that it sprays bullets.
愤怒的火鸡 Sep 6, 2014 @ 10:06pm 
祝所有在线的 离开的 忙碌的 想交易的 离线的 想捡肥皂的的基佬们 单身的菇凉们 中秋快乐!:reah:
Onlyuii May 31, 2014 @ 10:03am 
请问你的DOTA2怎么下的啊 ?
Turchi-Mangino May 7, 2014 @ 9:10pm 
へ     /|
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 ()  へ    | \〈
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  >―r ̄ ̄`ー―_
たんじょうびにゅ~ Mar 21, 2014 @ 10:13pm 
Nopassport Nov 16, 2013 @ 9:58am 
iTaCHi.不滅 Nov 12, 2013 @ 10:41pm 
Add me if u want the set. My internet is normal again. Sorry for the disturbance. Thank you
TANANAAANNN Oct 31, 2013 @ 5:27am 
XXXX备用 Oct 31, 2013 @ 4:39am 
XXXX备用 Oct 31, 2013 @ 4:38am 
76561198105019047 Oct 27, 2013 @ 3:16am 
昆兰 Oct 27, 2013 @ 3:13am 
lokvok Oct 26, 2013 @ 4:43am 
蓝胖舌吻双头龙 Oct 25, 2013 @ 7:31am 
ヨム Oct 25, 2013 @ 3:52am 
good trader
ViruS Oct 24, 2013 @ 4:58am 
go trade ds!
ElectroDasha Oct 23, 2013 @ 9:01am 
Snayper-007 Oct 23, 2013 @ 7:41am 
+ rep
Dread Oct 23, 2013 @ 3:42am 
+ rep
76561198106966218 Oct 22, 2013 @ 2:48am 
+rep fast nd good trader.......
Smile In Your Eyes Oct 21, 2013 @ 1:28am 
mr.Krabs Oct 19, 2013 @ 4:15am 
ANTIKV Oct 16, 2013 @ 9:47am 
+ rep good trader
Bigos123 Oct 15, 2013 @ 5:07am 
76561198080503245 Oct 14, 2013 @ 9:53am 
DED GAME Oct 10, 2013 @ 5:06am 
+rep nice trader!!
alf Oct 4, 2013 @ 3:21am 
:D Trade Banned Oct 4, 2013 @ 2:02am 
onlyCarry Oct 4, 2013 @ 12:56am 
Potato Oct 2, 2013 @ 6:56am 
+rep good trader!
Jones丶 Sep 27, 2013 @ 11:06pm 
Kaz Jul 18, 2013 @ 9:18am 
+rep good trader
绯色午睡 Jun 26, 2013 @ 2:02am 
The Next Phase Jun 21, 2013 @ 1:48am 
+rep fast nice trader :)
我的。 Jun 15, 2013 @ 12:12am 
+rep i love beautiful girl
ERIK Jun 13, 2013 @ 9:13am 
+Rep :)
Пердимонокль Jun 10, 2013 @ 10:54pm 
+ rep)) nice trader
гори в аду Jun 9, 2013 @ 8:00am 
+rep :)
OvnovGG Jun 9, 2013 @ 6:02am 
+ rep good trader
落花老水狗 Jun 9, 2013 @ 6:01am 
+rep nice and fast trader
smokeeeeee Jun 8, 2013 @ 8:44am 
+rep good and fast trader
Malipolanski Jun 8, 2013 @ 6:03am 
+rep :)
Гаечка Jun 8, 2013 @ 2:43am 
+ rep! nice trader
Ash Ketchum Jun 6, 2013 @ 9:19am 
+rep trade fast
暗影喵JIAFEI Jun 6, 2013 @ 6:51am 
+rep 妹子好敞亮
QuackerJ Jun 6, 2013 @ 6:00am 
+rep :)
蓝猫不会飞 Jun 4, 2013 @ 11:21pm 
Esum|Elk Jun 4, 2013 @ 3:28am 