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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika Satanda

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2,383.6 godz. łącznie (665.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
+ 9 classes to chose from and the possibility of different loadouts that can alter the gameplay of the class significantly makes it great for changing mid fight to play as a class that your team needs or increase your success.
And makes it possible for you to just choose whatever class/style suits you personaly even if you dislike some classes.
+ The comunity is great for the most part really fun people and filled with moments that you would not find in any other game.
Sometimes some annoying 12year olds screaming into their mike or idle players but overall that can be dealth with
+ Trading.After a While or some small investment you will not need to spend a dime in the game to get any items.
- Some weapons are overused or abused like the Dead ringer and the sticky bomb spamming but by altering the gameplay you can mostly deal with these
- Some weapons are completely useless and fell like a slap in the face (Volcano fragment,big earner,Sun on a stick,Wrap assasin)
- Autobalance punishing good players by pushing them to a team right before a secure victory (why is that still in the game?) with the posibility of turning the bloody thing off

*And just a small advice.This game has a pretty unforgiving learning curve so I recomend looking up all the weapons on official tf2 wiki to know what they are used for.
and check out some people on youtube where you can learn from just watching an entertaining video.
Opublikowana: 18 lutego 2015.
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