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Yayınlanma: 17 Mar 2021 @ 2:03

We just finished playing A Monster’s Expedition and it was delightful and much larger than expected. I rarely like pure puzzle games, but the open world design combined with a gentle difficulty curve made this one really engaging.

By “open world” I mean that all the puzzles are in one large interconnected world with (sometimes) non-linear progression, backtracking, and gradual unlocking of new areas, which all contribute to a sense of exploration.

I must say I’m super impressed with how clever the mechanics in this game are. The basics are clever enough and then more depth is gradually revealed throughout the game’s length, often causing surprise. And the way it’s tied in with the exploration is genius.

For reference, their previous game “A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build” was only slightly above “meh” for me. “A Monster’s Expedition” is so much better and deserves to go more mainstream.
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