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shijima 16 MAR a las 18:51 
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Bounzer 3 MAR a las 7:27 
I said right foot creep, ooh, I'm walking with that heater
Look around, stay low, make sure they don't see you
Catch 'em bad, walk down, face 'em with that heater
shijima 30 NOV 2023 a las 4:10 
+rep Топ кек братан, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ты монстр 3% на 330 бачей. Я твой фан
shijima 16 OCT 2023 a las 11:31 
+rep giant master
MiniMan 1 OCT 2023 a las 2:03 
thx for the nfs mods
magnolia catnip 3 JUL 2023 a las 0:09 
yoo, hopefully you see this. I need help with a LED taillights mod for Skyline R32 (NFS Payback). i'm having a hard time getting the design right and get them looking as they should. add me in Discord, my username is "velitics"