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Recente recensies door Serenity

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40.1 uur in totaal (25.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Game is great, wonderful successor to West of Loathing with it's own wacky humor that can stand on it's own along with a more involved and coherent story. That all said there is a specific instance in the game that actually ruined my experience with the game to the point where I can't come back to it.

There is a specific quest that is late in the game that basically has a rule that can be broken very easily and unintentionally that locks you out of the quest forever. Now I have seen gameplay for the game that confirms that if you start the quest on unlocking the location you get dialogue that explains the rule and you at least get a closer to reasonable chance to not lock yourself out of the quest (btw the failure condition isn't even in view because it is obscured by the dialogue box lmao).

Now if you do what I did and left the area and then came back later, if you break the rule as you enter, you won't get any dialogue at all, you will be met with a black screen before you are dumped back into the location, having the quest locked off.

While my experience is a bug, the fact that on a TYPICAL playthrough it is very easy to miss the entire questline all because of a keystroke does leave a sour taste to the design of this specific quest.
Geplaatst 23 december 2022.
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0.1 uur in totaal
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
This game is broken and is in a barely pre-alpha stage, the game is full of bugs and in its current state only serves to make Early Access in general worse off than before by adding yet another poorly "developed" game here.

* Broken Physics, all the objects only move in one direction when your "cat" collides with them in ways that make no sense, if you approach them from the wrong side the "knocked over" objects will actually fly right at you and move your character in a completely immersion-breaking way.

* The level is small and ten minutes of digging on the unity store I found that most (if not all) of the level was actually bought from the Unity store under the name "Top-Down Interiors" and since this asset pack was designed with top-down levels in mind, there is no ceiling at all despite it very clearly being a room. It is worth noting that developer isn't doing anything illegal by doing this but it would be nice to see if they had added onto the assets for a bigger and better map.

* Multiple times throughout my own personal playthroughs I found that my "cat" would fall through the floor that required a restart to play again only to fall through again.

* In its current state the game is extremely boring with the small level and lack of content beyond some books, a couple rats and cups that frequently knock your "cat" over.

* The developers don't even care enough about the game to fix the skybox's black dots, an issue that is apparently easy to fix and shows how little attention to detail the developers had given to this "game".

Overall I would steer clear of this game as it will most likely never leave early access in order to justify how little content and nemerous bugs are in the game. Do not buy it even on a 95% off sale.
Geplaatst 15 februari 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 15 februari 2016.
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22.4 uur in totaal (13.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This game is honestly a lot of fun, the only gripe is that there aren't enough players but I plan on getting copies of this games to my friends so we can play
Geplaatst 24 april 2015.
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4 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
13.5 uur in totaal
That paywall is starting, do not buy buy this game and cause a collapse of modding, wait until Valve changes or removes the policy
until then...
Geplaatst 24 april 2015.
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2.5 uur in totaal
Typical hack and slash, great time waster with some fun and challeging levels, would buy again.
Geplaatst 22 juni 2014.
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