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Recente recensies door Bang Bang

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I always thought that Team Fortress 2 was just the best game I had in my steam library, I have spent thousands of hours playing, and spending more and more money in virtual hats.

Every update had it's changes, make it nerfing certain weapons that were overpowered, of adding new maps and events. No matter what, I just continued playing happily. Since I could just hop into a pub, and do my own thing. Make is backstabbing, building sentries or launching explosives at the enemy team. Most of the time things would just be fine and dandy.

TF2 had it's fair share of bad updates (should I really mention End of the Line?) but it was still the same quick-paced, easy-join, class-based shooter that I have played for the last 2 years.

Overwatch came. And while I was skeptical first I gave it a chance. While the game is "shinier" and sure has better graphics and a larger roster to pick from. I still stuck to Team Fortress 2, since if I had a bad run in Overwatch (which will happen A LOT if you don't have a team with mics) I could just hop into a TF2 server and simply enjoy a nice game in 2Fort or Mountain Lab.

But it was obvious that TF2 was losing some of it's fanbase to it's younger cousin OW. We all knew that Valve had to do changes in order to keep competing with OW's quickly growing fanbase. And to even attract new players to TF2 itself.

I heard about the "Meet your match" update. I was genuinely excited about the changes and revamps. Specially with the whole "Heavy Vs. Pyro" thing. (We are all waiting for Engineer Vs. Spy....). So when the update finally hit, I couldn't wait as the game was being updated in my computer.

I saw the new main menu....I was amazed really! I loved it really, and I loved the comic and the whole new set of changes (teleporters for just 50 metals each? YES PLEASE)....then I tried to pick my game....wait....I couldn't pick a map? Or even the single game mode I wanted? (Which was fixed afterwards)....well no problem. I was still excited and ready to play.

I waited for about an hour to join my first game with this new update. And what map I get? Dustbowl itself (personally I hate the map) I didn't care what it was, I just squeed happily as I got ready to play Engineer.

I joined the game, I was put with a bunch of random players, then the battle started....what did I see once the gates opened? A wall of RED ubers rushing us back to our spawn room....most of them wearing unusuals and expensive cosmetics. Needless to say I left the server shortly after.

I understand that every P2P and F2Ps are playing on the same servers at the moment. But one can't help but think really...Is this the same fun game I had a day ago? Not really....every pub I joined was too serious, you couldn't really just play around with a silly loadout as EVERY player was needed to make even the smallest of pushes.

Dancing and chatting while the timers were running down was a myth now, as all I could see on the chats were strategies from my team. I understood that was the point of the update, make TF2 more challenging, more team-wise. But at the cost of it losing it's charm...of you being able to goof off if you wanted and still be able to play. Or quickly join a game, see how things are and then deciding wether to stay or leave. And let's face it, most community servers are just.....terrible....my list was filled with Minecraft trade servers, dozens of plug-ins and so on.

So far, I am just finding TF2 less and less fun, and more serious. To the point it's just really stressful more than anything else. I have considered cashing out and just leave the game altogether, but a friend of mine suggested for me to wait for them to fix Valve's own mistakes.

So in short, as of 07/10/2016, I no longer recommend this game to anyone unless they wish to have the same quick-paced fun and madness TF2 was just a few days ago.
Geplaatst 17 juli 2014. Laatst gewijzigd 10 juli 2016.
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