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发布于:2015 年 12 月 6 日 下午 6:02

The short review is: Horrible music. Good mechinics from what I could tell, but the menues and controller assignments are glitchy and we couldn't even manage to play multiple with 2 xbox 360 controllers.

As it is right now, I was very disapointed with my purchase, even though i only paid 3 dollers for the game, and that says something in and of itself. The main reason for this is both the incomplete glitchyness of the game, and the music.

I have never before been detered by a games music before, but this time I honestly cannot bring myself to try the game again because of the music. Music in a game is very important to me. It helps set the pace, setting, etc, and it seems this music was going for a sort of fast pace by using a repeatative jumble of notes in all cases. However it sounds horrible. This may be highly opinionated, but I am honestly shocked I don't see comments on this music. Sure, you can set the music to your own music, but thats not really valid excuse. The majority of the time i played was muted.

I even had a firend over to try the multiplayer. We start off by plugging in reguler xbox 360 wired controllers. Should be the baseline for compatibility standards, so how could it go wrong? Well, it comes in as two different things, a gamepad AND a joypad.
After messing around, we got both players set to gamepad, but when we went to play, it switched us back to the joypad and all controls were messed up again. Then when trying to select characters, it was switching color pallets and maybe some other video settings because it was looking weird. We gave up and played a different game.

One could certainly assume that this would be better on release, but who knows when that will be. No updates in over 2 months. Early access should not be an excuse to not finish development, but its happened before. Right now just about everything is un-finished and more than a little broken.

I have been watching and waiting for this game to get out of early access for a while because I usually like action platformers like this one, but I hate this early access business. In far too many cases it leads to disapointemnt, however, I felt it worth 3 dollers at the time so I broke down and bought it. I am now even more adament about never buying early access games.
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