ZyaZya   Puerto Rico, United States
My internet: https://gyazo.com/e255bf187f13ba6e459ed9c94e69b986

Im a god, I'm freaking jacked I look like swole as hell irl come get some
Jelenleg offline
Romaniac máj. 4., 21:59 
+1 best math teacher
+1 best cousin
+1 good guy
+1 more ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ than me
+1 phat stacks
Makishi 2022. aug. 14., 14:29 
biggest ♥♥♥♥ in town
Romaniac 2022. máj. 6., 12:38 
This kid is total mongoloid. I will be going to his apartment complex in his city to beat him up! This is a promise the FBI couldn't stop me, I am like a darkweb assassin minus the wheelchair.
Romaniac 2022. márc. 19., 15:45 
┃  ● ══    ┃
┃█ ur adopted. █┃
┃█ -Mom&Dad █┃
┃   ○    ┃
Romaniac 2021. jan. 23., 9:12 
Demon 2018. jan. 2., 22:40 
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!