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Publicada el 4 ABR a las 8:52 a. m.

Rage is a funny game. For everything it does right, it does something wrong

- It's open world ... kind of ... but exploring is not rewarding and any "dungeon" is extremely linear
- the world has tons of detail ... but it's all superficial and there's practically zero interaction with anything
- the graphics looks great for a game of this age ... except it all looks terrible up close
- driving is fun ... except you mostly drive from A to B and back again on errands - the world itself feels quite dead
- guns aim really well & are pretty accurate ... but you need several head-shots to even take down the lowest of enemies

You have a few small positives:
- there's crafting which adds a little something
- voice acting is done really well with some famous actors being used

And then there's all the negatives which have no positives:
- there's tons of invisible boundaries stopping you from going anywhere except where the devs wanted you to go
- this is very similar to Borderlands in style (released 2 years before Rage) except it's not a true open world like Borderlands, doesn't have random weapon drops, doesn't feel as rewarding, etc.
- this was one of those FPS that pushed the "console disease" of FPS on us: regenerating health, scripted spawning of enemies (sometimes even endless spawning), a very low FOV (which I managed to fix using a mod), extremely linear areas, etc.
- they made enemies very agile to the point where it's ridiculous. Instead of satisfyingly gunning down enemies, you're shooting wild trying to hit enemies that even run on walls. It's not very fun, especially when head-shots don't kill.
- the game is very cheap on ammo forcing you to buy ammo between missions. While I understand this, it often forces you to swap to less ideal weapons just to conserve ammo. A tip: buy as much ammo as you can!

The main problem with this game, is that it feels very formulaic instead of organic. It's mostly done by the numbers without anything feeling fresh or new. Yes, this is a 12 year old game but even back then I just couldn't get into it. The engine which was supposed to be its biggest selling point is also a big weakness because even maxed out the textures look very poor up close.

Is it a terrible game? No, it's not. It's worth a few hours but it's not a classic. To me it was always a 6/10 game and 12 years haven't changed my mind. On the plus side, modern machines make it run extremely smooth which wasn't the case back in the day!
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