2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
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張貼於:2023 年 11 月 22 日 下午 12:13
更新於:3 月 30 日 上午 6:58

Diablo IV ... has no soul ironically. It feels like an empty husk that mimics the previous Diablo games. It's Diablo-by-numbers and the developers who made the game were unable to put even an iota of soul, originality or character into it as a result. It feels flat, dead, uninteresting and unengaging.

I can still boot up Diablo 1 and get swept out by the amazing Tristan theme and get 100 times more soul out of it than this husk of a game.

UPDATE: since its release on Xbox Game Pass I decided to give it a second chance as a sorceress and without a time limit this time.

My opinion above has only been confirmed. This game feels like an indie version made by amateurs. The graphics look dated even with everything maxed out and yet performance is mediocre. Everything feels like it's done with little to no thought. They clearly tried to copy Diablo II in many ways but without understanding that (a) the genre has moved on and (b) Diablo II had a very good loot system.

Diablo IV feels functional but for a €70 game you expect more than 2012 graphics, poor voice acting, forgettable music, the typical clichéd plot (which previous Diablo games had as well, granted) and dated gameplay. Other games have done it better by now and for a LOT less money!
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