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113.8 hrs on record (96.6 hrs at review time)
I'm doing my part!
Posted February 24.
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92 people found this review helpful
18.7 hrs on record (17.3 hrs at review time)
Trepang2 is F.E.A.R. and Crysis, with a dash of Doom, a sprinkle of SCP: Containment Breach, and clear inspirations from classics like Half-Life. After near 100% completion (only Extreme/Rage Mode and Horde missions are left undone here), I can say with confidence that Trepang2 is one of the best shooters I have ever played, and may very well be *the* best when it comes to fast-paced action shooters.

Every part of the game feels so good, looks so good, sounds so good, runs so good, and above all else is a hell of a lot of fun. It's the kind of game that has you grinning the whole way through. Every part of the game is exciting, the AI are shockingly intelligent and engaging, the characters and the environment are so satisfyingly reactive, every level is entirely new and unique, the boss fights are dynamic and were never frustrating.

Even the story - so often an afterthought in shooters - is mysterious and intriguing enough to keep you wanting more after every level. There is a lot of lore, character, and even deep foreshadowing that you can find via Intel scattered and hidden throughout the levels. The game is full of action/shooter tropes (and references), but it pulls everything off so well that it never came across as cliche, only charming and satisfyingly expected. Even so, there was still plenty of unexpected twists for me. And, the ending certainly does NOT disappoint.

Clearly, Trepang Studios knew what Trepang2 was going to be and kept its scope in check. It's small, but so incredibly well executed and polished that, in my humble opinion, the FOUR bright minds that created Trepang2 have put every large production game to shame. With so many lackluster and unoriginal shooters in recent years, this was a huge breath of fresh air.

Play it. It's more than worth it. There's even a demo. You have nothing to lose.
Posted November 29, 2023.
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6 people found this review helpful
152.3 hrs on record (107.4 hrs at review time)
One of the most stunning and satisfying shooter/slasher games I've ever experienced, horribly crippled by poor performance, laughable instability, massive imbalance, and zero end-game sprinkled on top of lies and broken promises that the developers are in no hurry to amend so long as the in-game cash shop keeps the money flowing. This game might be feature-complete two years from now, but even then, there will be a lot of making up to do.

I had plenty of fun over far more than my money's worth of hours, but Darktide is undeserving of an even remotely favorable review in this state that is nearly indistinguishable from the closed beta that I first played. This is perhaps one of the best co-op shooters there is... in a few years from now.

My recommendation: play your two hours, then refund it if you want anything more than what you experience in that time, because there is little more to it than that. All you have to look forward to is stat boosts and increasingly hard-hitting enemies. Check back once a year, and see if the game has made any strides. Fatshark has a reputation for releasing dumpster fires that are very slowly, but surely, patched nearly to perfection. It's a shame that this dumpster was especially hot, but here's hoping for a better future.
Posted February 15, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
144.4 hrs on record (31.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Let me first set one thing straight: I cannot recommend Reforger to those who aren't already big fans of ARMA. It has too many glaring flaws and too little content to be enjoyable for most.

That said, I like what we have here. It's bare-bones and rugged, but it is a promising and exciting peek into the future of ARMA, and I think that's the point of it all. I've been having a blast exploring the terrain, learning the new mechanics, feeling out the new engine, staring in awe at the new graphics, listening gleefully to the amazing new sound design, and seeing things in this game that ARMA has never been capable of before.

The modding tools are insanely powerful, and folks more talented than I have almost limitless possibilities. There are already great things in the works, and I am eager to check the workshop for new creations every day. With these community creations and the semi-regular patches by Bohemia, the game is very quickly becoming greater.

If you are a long-time ARMA fan, I recommend you buy this just to see and be amazed at how far ARMA has come and what the future holds. You'll fund ARMA 4, too! If not, I recommend you keep an eye on things and come back a little later when the game is more stable and has more content to play.
Posted May 26, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
30.9 hrs on record (30.8 hrs at review time)
Outer Wilds is a wholly unique experience from start to finish and every second of was oh so memorable. It's no exaggeration on my part to say that it boasts the best story and exploration gameplay I've ever experienced in a video game. I have played so many adventure and exploration games over the years and Outer Wilds, without a single doubt, has topped them all and is likely to stay on top for years to come.

If you enjoy games like Subnautica, Starbound, Spore, No Man's Sky, Hollow Knight, or The Forest, then play this game. It has some of the best elements from all of these games combined and has topped all of them for me. There is very little risk in buying this game just for the sake of trying it, and if you somehow aren't enthralled in the first two hours, you can still refund it safely. Please, take that chance. This game gave me so much more enjoyment than I thought it ever could, and I am honestly sorrowful that nothing may ever top it again.

It took me about 30 hours to play this game from start to finish, getting the achievement for completing the ship log (essentially 100% completion), but it takes only one to hook you. The characters you will meet, their stories that you will learn, the places you will go, the scores you will hear, the visuals you will witness, the thrill you will feel, and the mysteries that you will answer only to create more questions will encapsulate you within the very first hour hour and I promise that you won't want to stop.

I wish I could write a more detailed review and say, in specific terms, why this game is so good, but... I feel like saying anything about this game is spoiling something, even the most minor things. Just get out there, go see the stars for yourself.
Posted July 10, 2020.
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