Trash Wing   San Martin Sacatepequez, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
I'm a walking talking enigma,
Something you'll never figure , if we don't have SUPER music compatibility then I totally respect your alternate opinion on music. I understand that we are two different people with different lives; resulted in us both looking for different things in the dank-ass-♥♥♥♥ called MUSIC. Nice taste, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

I play a lot of CS:GO, y'know, that Counter-Strike that is LITERALLY (metaphorically) ♥♥♥♥. I hate video games. But hey, we need some way to pass time.

blunted (America's) []

Let's all take a moment of silence for ZbdX's pc. It has, unfortunatly, had plant. Rest in peace sweet pea, forever in our hearts xxx

i'd suck so much ♥♥♥♥ to suck natalie dormers ♥♥♥♥ if she had a sex change

31/12/14 - RIP config. Your meme binds will not be forgotten, but reborn, better than before. im actually super sad that ive got to start a fresh config

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"I'm trying out some new sensitifitys at the moment and can't find any good."

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