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Publicada: 22 ago. 2014 às 0:17
Atualizada: 22 ago. 2014 às 6:25

I've never had a more difficult time rating a game than Divinity Original Sin because 1) It's one of a kind. 2) Expectations were quite high for an epic RPG 3) There are so few decent turn-based and even real-time with pause RPGs so it *had* to be good, just had to...or else it was back to replays of old favorites (again).

I will give it two ratings, one for my experience and one tempered with others' feedback in consideration (see below) as my personal experience score is both lower and possibly atypical.

Overall, I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

The breakdown:

Interactive environment (5)

Story/dialog/pace - drags on, not inspiring (3)

Companions (2) lifeless (correction - 1 point for ability, 1 for existence)

Graphics (4.5)

Combat (3.5) --repetitive, but neat spells/skills.

Music (3.8) Edit -- 4+ as standalone and main theme, in particular, but not in-game. Mostly very light and less inspiring in context of the atmosphere, unlike other Divinity games.

Overall enemy variety & game world (5)

Leveling (3.5) - slow and unrewarding though refreshingly different with Action Points.

Dependability/bugs (3.5) --needs a few more patches but is mostly smooth.

Replayabilty (4) (if you like it yes, if not, no)

Gameplay Hours - (5) Fantastic! 60-150 hours.

Tactics -- lots of cheese/repetition (3.5)

Mods/Editor - (potentially 5 but to be determined).

Voice acting (3) - limited.

Loot (5) For loot maniacs. May be overabundant for some players.

Quests (4) --better than average, not so fetchy.

Puzzles - Yes - love or hate them

Atmosphere (3) e.g. lack of dynamic weather, immersive sound and dungeons are not scary.

Dynamic Events - largely absent

Consequences - few or not impacting other than in combat.

Map / Inventory/Journal (2.5 to 3)

Crafting - (3.5)

A problem with the game is that the sum is not greater than its parts. It would make a much better 30-40 hour game than an epic-length one, in its current state given it stalls out for story-driven, if not combat, players.

But, if you come to the game with no expectations of Baldur's Gate et al. and in a light-hearted mood (for tis not a dark/mature game) your money should be well-spent. You may even love the game, some really do.

If you're looking for the next epic classic RPG,though, you're on the road to disappointment. So come equipped with an open-mind for best results.

***If you like turn-based RPGs Divinity Original Sin is most worth taking a look at *** and it may well one day be considered a cult classic as the niche following is strong.


My personal experience rating, however, is 3.5 -3.8.

I'm an older gamer and don't necessarily represent the majority of Larian fans, though love most of their games. Original Sin started as a holiday dinner and soon became two-day old, leftover turkey sandwiches after 40ish hours -- stale and bland, though a bit tasty with salt when available. I actually quit the game 3/4 the way through, from boredom,though plan to return to it someday (tm).

My standards are rather distinct for an RPG and in disclosure I lean strongly towards Neverwinter Nights series or Baldur's Gate-type games (aside from strategy, open-world and select aRPGs) as well as those with darker undertones.

Additionally, I even felt Shadowrun, XCom and Disciples combat was much more enjoyable. I think with mods this game could turn around. Right now it is a diamond in the rough, or so it appears. Multiplayer may offer a ton of fun and that I am unable to comment on.

Lastly, of note, my Steam hours are artificially inflated -- both with Alpha and leaving the game running. The real-hours are closer to 150, but nonetheless I well got my money's worth at that rate. The game is better than average but needs serious work to shine.

Most importantly, it needs a soul.

Still, future games in this genre will have a new threshold to meet in modernized cRPGs.
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9 comentários
raubrey 22 ago. 2014 às 14:27 
They can be either Tarek. My background is in journalism so I tend to take the roots of it with me and be as fair as possible even in an editorial format. And when I write a subjective piece I disclose conflicts of interests and known biases. But that's just me. :)
Tarek 22 ago. 2014 às 10:27 
The idea that reviews are somehow supposed to be objective is kind of unusual to me. I thought a summary is objective and a review is subjective.

The target audience for a game review is someone looking to buy the game and wanting to decide if they should. It is not folks looking for validation.

Democratization of the review process means that essentially anyone can review a game - albeit not every voice has an equal chance to be heard.

Having said all that, discussion is good and adds to the content available to prospective buyers.
Rootimus 22 ago. 2014 às 7:25 
Great review.

@Fanest, I don't know what your problem is. Do you dis-like people who use whole words, proper capitalisation and punctuation, or are you simply lonely and in desperate need of attention?
Fanest 22 ago. 2014 às 6:01 
downvoting beacaue ur attention whore :goblin:
raubrey 22 ago. 2014 às 5:14 
I am sorry to breeze over the co-op Khalen but like a lot of RPGers I don't want people in my game. If I were publishing this on a professional platform, it would be responsible to play and review such, it would be a bonus to do so now. Though I respect the passion for it and have no debate with you that it is important for those so inclined.

And thank you MasterChiefs for your input. (Yes, RIP Mr. Williams).

To be honest I am with sad heart to give the music a 3. I had one of Kirill's songs played as part of a memorial tribute because of its beauty and emotion. -- the DKS official theme. It is possible the game influenced my perspective, requiring a higher demand in the music to inspire (me) -- it is worth a second look. Again it's not the quality of the music (to be clear to those unfamiliar) but it just didn't move me in this setting.

But +1 Perception to you both.
Abydon 'Grey-Röck' Belegarssøn 22 ago. 2014 às 4:42 
+1 Charisma for your review, but I disagree on Music (3), it's easily 5 out of 5 for me, every song in this game is perfect except one track in battle (the one with modern vibe). I love the guitar tune in Cyseal and the main theme most.
Khalen 22 ago. 2014 às 4:36 
There's something fundamentally missing in your review which you breezed over with a vague non-commital comment:

Co-op Experience - 5 out of 5

If you didn't try it as a co-op game (especially for the first playthrough), you missed out on a core feature. I found this carried the game by-and-large, and was enormous fun in comparison to the annoying and frustrating co-op experience that was NWN2. This is a game to be shared with a friend or loved one. When you played BG2 or Planescape... did you not wish you could share the experience with someone?

I also agree with Phoenixon about the music rating... I have it as a playlist ;)

Other than that, I'm mostly in agreement with you, and think the 'diamond in the rough' comment is a good analogy. I'd give the game an overall 4 out of 5 for the gaming experience I personally had.
raubrey 22 ago. 2014 às 3:55 
Thanks Poenixon. Good catch -- adding difficulty. I nearly gave music a 4. I lowered the score because of lack of atmospheric impact (for me) and it didn't stand out. I absolutely adore the composer though and his work. And, honestly I did overrate the companions I see when I reformatted the numbers (per all my comments on them) I am going to edit that to reflect the side comment and forum comments. Thanks for helping make this a more accurate review as far as my assessment.
Vim 22 ago. 2014 às 3:41 
Sounds like a perfectly fair review based on my own experiences. I'm also a mature gamer just recently hitting 30, and I was initially incredibly excited about this game, just like you. Later on though, it became a much more dulled experience. The story never really took off, there were several inconsistencies between plot threads, and the second half of the game is significantly less polished and more random than the first bit.

Disagree with you on:
Music 4
Companions 1.5 (at most)
Voice acting 2.5 (Good job to those 2 voice actors, but needed more.)

I'd also add:
Difficulty: 2.

The game is far too easy, even on Hard difficulty and so far only 1 workshop mod fixes this. That mod however, does things I do not like.

Still, it's a fantastic game, and we definately want to see more of this in the future. Fix this one up, add some threads between set-pieces in late-game, tone the difficulty and think Bioware when making NPC's.

Game is absolutely worth the money.