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投稿日: 2015年10月24日 3時18分
更新日: 2015年10月25日 6時12分



  • Lacks explicit HTML5-exporter. The advertising says that you can export to HTML5, but there's no explicit option to do so.
  • Windows builds use node-webkit as a wrapper, but don't package/archive the resources like other HTML5 game design toolkits do. Instead it just leaves the assets out in the open.
  • Android-exporter just exports a HTML-file (with resources) - it doesn't actually package an APK. Other HTML5 toolkits take care of this for you, but RPG Maker MV doesn't.
  • iOS-exporter just exports a HTML-file (with resources) - it doesn't actually package an IPA. Other HTML5 toolkits take care of this for you, but RPG Maker MV doesn't.
  • No fullscreen - just maximizes window. Previous versions allowed you to boot the game in fullscreen by default, but this one doesn't. You have let the user know that they need to press F4.
  • Windowed mode has letterbox. In other words, there are two black bars in windowed mode, instead of the window snapping to the game's viewport.
  • Title screen has no quit option on Windows- and Mac builds. Users need to ALT+F4 in order to quit.
  • Most of the assets are RMVX-defaults or based on RMVX-defaults.

Wait until they fix these issues.

EDIT: Clarified some of the points.
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Archeia  [開発元] 投稿日: 2015年11月10日 15時10分
> Lacks explicit HTML5-exporter.
The advertisement says you can export to HTML5, which is right. It makes no difference if you have to choose Windows-Deployment or if you have an extra option "HTML5/Web".

> Windows builds use node-webkit as a wrapper, but don't package/archive the resources like other HTML5 game design toolkits do. Instead it just leaves the assets out in the open.

Merging all resources together with the Game.exe has some performance disadvantages. That's why MV doesn't do that by default. But you can use easy-to-use third party tools to do it like described in the manual.

> Android-exporter just exports a HTML-file (with resources) - it doesn't actually package an APK. Other HTML5 toolkits take care of this for you, but RPG Maker MV doesn't.

> iOS-exporter just exports a HTML-file (with resources) - it doesn't actually package an IPA. Other HTML5 toolkits take care of this for you, but RPG Maker MV doesn't.

No, many other engine do it the same way for technical reasons. There are many free easy-to-use tools to package your App for Android, iOS and other platforms like Intel XDK, Cordova, PhoneGap, CocoonJS, etc. Also, there are many easy ways to share your games with friends just for testing-purposes.

Of course, if you like to sell your game in an App-Store you have to do some additional steps like registering as Apple/Google-Developer, create a certificate and sign your .ipa/.apk, etc. But that cannot be avoided, every developer has to do that steps.

> No fullscreen - just maximizes window. Previous versions allowed you to boot the game in fullscreen by default, but this one doesn't. You have let the user know that they need to press F4.

"No fullscreen" is completely wrong. There is fullscreen pressing F4 and of course you can configure your Game and even the Test-Play to automatically start in fullscreen. This is all detailed in the helpfile.

Windowed mode has letterbox.

If you mean that the resolution is 4:3 instead of 16:9 we have provided the user materials to avoid this. We also have posted in our announcements about RPG Maker channel and plugins to avoid these type of issues from the user end.

The window has the same size as the game's viewport. Of course you can resize it, but thats not a problem but a nice feature.

> Title screen has no quit option on Windows- and Mac builds. Users need to ALT+F4 in order to quit.

To quit a game, just click on the top-right (top-left on OS X) X-Button of the window. If you are in full-screen, just leave full-screen using F4. Alternatively, you can use the standard shortcut ALT+F4 to quit the App. In addition, you can use plugins and scripts to modify the title-screen like you want very easily. So you can easily add a quit-option if you like that more.

It also doesn’t make sense to add a quit option as mobile games don’t have them.

Most of the assets are RMVX-defaults or based on RMVX-defaults.
> They are not from RMVX+ and they are remade entirely for the 48x48 material from scratch. RPG Maker VX ACE is the most popular RPG Maker so it’s very nice and helpful that RPG Maker MV uses similar art-style. That makes it also much easier to port projects from RMVXAce to RPG Maker MV. Of course there also additional resource-packs available for RPG Maker MV and there will be even more in the future. In addition, you can also use your complete own resources, you can change character sizes and even tile-sizes, etc. using plugins.
49 件のコメント
Dinky 2017年3月22日 14時10分 
Mario Maker is better xd
Rektorious 2017年1月21日 18時09分 
Mobile Games do so have quit options on them
sike Mapo 2016年12月26日 22時32分 
gg dev
Primu 2016年7月11日 11時57分 
He makes some valid points. The way this engine is trying to support different platforms in the same package is just.. not ideal.

It should be noted that with this version of RPGM, you cannot use resources that state that you must encrypt them before distribution. So if you're coming from earlier versions and have a project which makes use of such resources, just don't bother.
Hylebos 2016年5月28日 9時28分 
How is 60$ a lot of money these days, I am so confused. People drop $60 on a new game that they get bored of 12 days later, but then when we are talking about something that allows you to create, make money and probably has years of replay/recreate value; they act like $60 is a massive amount of money. Take a family of 5 out to a fast food resturant for 1 meal, you will nearly spend $60.... Give me a break..
Kuehnau 2016年5月26日 10時32分 
Kind of lame they advertise a Android exporter and then it doesn't do the whole thing.
Vulkarma 2016年4月12日 21時08分 
he might be that he just wants attention. AND THATS NOT FUNNY AT ALL. :GDHarder:
Recursion 2016年3月31日 19時31分 
Lol this review sucks whoever wrote it is a big butt.
Wintermoon138 2016年1月22日 14時22分 
Hi guys, just curious if anyone can give me some advice on this. I have no programming knowledge but I've been playing around with RPG Makers since the 95 version and I enjoy them very much. I bought VXace but once again I was stuck. I have a ton of ideas and creativity but I don't have the javascript / html knowledge. I have written three albums with of midi music for the game I want to build and at first the music uploaded just fine into the program (VXace), but soon the tempo was slow or speed up while testing and then music wouldn't work anymore. Basically I'm just wondering if their is a beginners guide to what I need because I would love to buy this program. Thanks!
TZODnmr2K5 2016年1月1日 12時58分 
I'm a gamer, not a developer, so I'll stick with RPG Maker XP and the like instead...