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過去 2 週間: 5.6 時間 / 記録時間: 2,678.2 時間 (レビュー時に781.9時間)
投稿日: 2015年11月11日 7時16分
更新日: 2019年6月28日 23時04分

Yes. Most definitely yes. This is the game that introduced me to the RTS genre. Hell, it introduced me to the world of video games. I had no idea what was waiting for me. Countless hours creating army after army, attempting to beat the hardest AI. Playing the Campaign. Playing Multiplayer, with what was left of the community. It all has been time i couldn't have better spent elsewhere. And I'm glad I didn't. Seeing IC come back from the dead like this... TO STEAM NO LESS. I just can't wrap my head around this.

Now, for the actual review:

Things and points I like most about the game:

1. It is fun. Every feature of the game is. From playing the campaign, all the way to making your own custom army that you then take onto the online battlefield in order to whoop some mad scientist posterior.

2. It's creative in an unprecedented fashion. I think the whole over 50.000 possible combinations and the presence of a level editor really help fortify this point.

3.It is challenging. Boy, is this one true. Especially if you are playing multiplayer. The people that stuck around playing this game's online game modes are, more often than not, the same ones that have been playing it since its original release back in 2003. Let's just say they're bound to be decent at the game by this stage, at least through sheer repetition and practice alone, and leave it at that. You should join the discord server (add me for details) and see for yourself ;)

Man this is long. You still with me? Hold on just a little longer. With that section out of the way, it's time to throw arbitrary numbers at your face. (Some might consider this the best part of the review, mind you.)

Art Direction = 9
Easily one of the game's strong suits if you have to ask me. The stylized art style of IC is truly charming. The fact that each island is individually hand painted especially helps give every map, campaign or otherwise, their own distinct feels. Before you go and tell everybody that the graphics suck and that you've seen screenshots in which Dwarf Fortress is more aesthetically appealing, just take in consideration the year this game was made, and appreciate it for what it currently is.

Music = 8
The soundtracks differ for each map type (Savannah, Jungle, Desert, Artic...). They are good.


Very good. I'd like to think I've won you over already due to my irresistible charisma, so let's move on.

Creativity / Originality = 10
You can slap wings on a snake.

Story = 7
Despite the campaign paling in comparison to the main selling point of the game (The creature combiner and the PvP multiplayer aspect of it), it's still a refreshing experience. A self-aware cheesy parody of retro movies that take themselves too seriously, a pitfall IC successfully goes out of its way to not fall into, it features a pretty lively array of characters, with good voice acting that only helps breathe life into the cast.

Gameplay = 10
The Multiplayer matches vary, all the way from fast-paced 1v1's that could be resolved in a manner of minutes, to team based 3v3's played on large maps that end up being a war of attrition between the players. The lengthiest game I have taken part in lasted for 5 (five!) real world hours. With this ridiculous amount of time used up, the endgame is but a memory, and the only resources left are the inexhaustible thermal geysers, which players fiercely end up fighting over. There is no way to tell what kind of creature combinations your enemy has got in their armies before you see them coming for your base, so each match is a fresh new experience, varying based on the number of players, their play-styles and the map you're playing on (could be a small land based map, huge water based archipelago map etc. etc...)


Overall = 9

I believe IC to be a game worthy of all the time the dedicated community has sunk into it (I shamelessly include myself in that group of people, by the way), and one that still provides its player base with a bunch of good times. Other aspects, such as the still-active modding community and Steam Workshop support (props to THQ Nordic, we love you guys) help breathe life into this game to this day, and undoubtedly will continue to do so for the years to come.
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39 件のコメント
Sebbo78 2016年3月30日 3時41分 
I played this game when I was very young aswell! Could never remember the name of it.. then one day its on steam! all the childhood memories coming back haha.
iLLiDaN/REACTOR 2016年3月28日 23時42分 
The Creepiest creatures on the screenshot are humans ...
FRAGGIACAPRA[s] 2016年3月28日 16時35分 
This game is still better and less repetitive than The Division.
Podsi 2016年3月28日 14時03分 
Thanks for the review! Well Done! :stagrin::ss13ok:
AJ, Lord of Chaos 2016年3月28日 10時18分 
Review was good.
Kiki 2016年1月12日 10時17分 
Old school games huh.That sounds pretty neat. Will have to go to GOG one day
Huels 2016年1月12日 8時21分 
Lots of good games on both. GOG games only does older games so if you're into stuff from the 1980s and 1990s than you will like that. They do have a few new titles but it's random.
Kiki 2016年1月11日 10時57分 
Oh really? I've never used Origin nor GOG so i wouldn't know >.<
Huels 2016年1月11日 8時20分 
My Origin and My GOG account both track my gaming play time.
Kiki 2016年1月11日 7時56分 
Well considering that I've been playing this game since 2006 at least 1 and something hours per day, i think it's safe to assume that :P
It would be cool if you could track your time on non-steam games though...