Dreamt_Paradise 22.7.2021 klo 23.24 
Dr N00bcakes 11.7.2021 klo 18.42 
looks like a meth head with autism
Pocket Faerie 11.7.2021 klo 18.40 
♥♥♥♥♥♥ gey i say
Cuntress 3.7.2021 klo 6.57 
Had the opportunity to murdead me but instead allowed me to open the gate and leave with a crown. 10/10 would run for my life again.
gymbeaux 30.6.2021 klo 23.31 
He definitely likes his NoEd. I dunno man do totems guys
TheGrayFoxTv 22.6.2021 klo 11.44 
tinker and ruin pathetic
Juzi the Shark 10.3.2021 klo 2.23 
Hello, I wasn't available until now - you should be okay as things are handled by a person reviewing them, so even if you get report spammed by multiple people in one round, you won't get banned if you've done nothing wrong.
AggressiveLollipop 29.12.2020 klo 15.20 
cutie killer
Kourosh (banned) 24.12.2020 klo 18.40 
Merry Bendeeyuh
spooky 21.12.2020 klo 20.42 
-rep facecamped then tunneled me to death
Apex 21.12.2020 klo 8.27 
how the ♥♥♥♥ did I get you again as killer, and this time you were noed basement camping, bruh wtf is wrong with you.
Apex 21.12.2020 klo 8.06 
idk how it's fun to play dbd like that lol, tunneling a single survivor to death, first the Laurie then Me. bruh
rickeh 17.12.2020 klo 18.43 
Tutorial on how to get a higher ping? Thx!
BLACK+DECKER BEMW472BH 8.12.2020 klo 11.14 
yeah bro we totally out here cheating lmfao
Dad 4.12.2020 klo 6.22 
somehow the only killer online atm pretty good job so far devs are incompetent
katchy 30.11.2020 klo 12.31 
-rep slugged me for the entire game
NO, MY WIG 29.11.2020 klo 22.18 
slugs everybody to death feelsbadman
Mrs. Cutie 29.11.2020 klo 20.27 
Quavo 27.11.2020 klo 19.41 
I mean this isnt a hate comment its just really boring to stand in front of a hook with insidious. Not interesting for either party, oh well sorry you're so unloved.
RandomBurkey 23.11.2020 klo 17.37 
thank you for taking pity on us and for the wholesome game! good guy killer <3
Como La Flor 6.11.2020 klo 19.20 
gg dude, the guys underneath me have lost the ability to have fun in this game and would sooner rather complain than enjoy the crazy ride known as DBD.

+rep 10/10 gamer <3
Sen_Of_Gray 29.10.2020 klo 11.38 
He makes the game fun and interesting by standing in front of hooks! Great player and I can't wait to play with him again!
SynCro 6.8.2020 klo 19.55 
facecamps basement with insidious and only gets 2k waa waa waaaa LOL
Slaymore 20.7.2020 klo 9.40 
such skill, red rank and face camps - salty killer cuz I took out your totem too fast - lmao. I feel bad for people like you that try to farm salt - just go blow a guy if you like salt so much. Sorry for your parents disappointment .
InkyBlitz 24.6.2020 klo 11.59 
Hora hora
TheMightyPuppy 15.6.2020 klo 20.03 
You guys do realize that you commenting on this dudes profile isn't gonna help, he has fun out of your comments, yes, he did face camp you all, it sucks, but just move on.
Warblaade 3.6.2020 klo 19.01 
Tunneling sack of ♥♥♥♥.
Yustavius 2.6.2020 klo 12.47 
-rep face camper
Lil' Wicky 20.5.2020 klo 20.53 
Brooo I watch Monto too!!!! That's where you learned how to facecamp as bubba right??
Judgy Judy 5.5.2020 klo 7.24 
worst killer ever. pure trash
BabyofBeatz 5.5.2020 klo 7.08 
-rep facecamps at the first hook of the match to make the game unfun. proceeds to tunnel hooked person
Floozy 5.5.2020 klo 7.05 
-rep face camping trash
Not Toxic 14.4.2020 klo 21.23 
1.6k hours and camps. Imagine having literally half of your comments being about camping
Snipey 25.3.2020 klo 21.23 
im sorry they hurt you
merocat 19.3.2020 klo 5.19 
-rep brings sweaty add ons and camps like a ♥♥♥♥♥
Raspberry☪ 12.3.2020 klo 15.59 
if you blind him at a pallet he will tunnel you then call you a toxic c unt uwu
Sleepytime 10.3.2020 klo 15.45 
one kill is all you need
Env 9.3.2020 klo 16.59 
The person under me is salty
xDarksyde 9.3.2020 klo 15.54 
yeah he camps.. no skill.. just a camper
Thomas 8.3.2020 klo 21.29 
Kunt Killer who camps and tunnels.
Blight Farmer 3.3.2020 klo 16.07 
this boi should set up a fire for how much he camps
Rising Sun 3.3.2020 klo 15.27 
camper killer
i cooka da pasta 28.12.2019 klo 13.14 
hi fren
🎀 🍭 ⋆ 🍎 8.8.2019 klo 20.30 
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Monkey 11.6.2019 klo 8.32 
accept me big tits
byteframe's cat 6.4.2019 klo 3.35 
What are you devoted to creating, in the New Year?
>> 🐠⛳🎫🌽🌳 <<
El Katakuri 10.2.2019 klo 17.31 
Camping trash.
skog 4.2.2019 klo 13.46 
bro i wasnt even being toxic but you still tunneled the ♥♥♥♥ out of me, why? :(
Doc McStubbins™ 15.1.2019 klo 18.16 
"Admin Big Heart on TitsRP
Also full time weeb"

Full time gay more like.
(+rep though. Smells pretty nice.)
Professor Chadstein 26.12.2018 klo 11.17 
-rep ♥♥♥♥ rides all of the vip and saying that the n word in context is racist