walle 2019年1月8日 10時32分 
RAWR!! x3 nuzzles! pounces on u uwu u so warm! couldn't help but notice ur bulge from across the floor! nuzzles yo' necky wecky~ murr ~ hehe! unzips yo baggy ass pants oof baby u so musky! take me home, pet me, n' make me yours & don't forget to stuff me! see me wag my widdle baby tail, all for your bolgy-wolgy! kisses n lickies yo neck, i hope daddy likeies! nuzzles and wuzzles yo chest, i be gettin thirsty! hey i got a lil itch, u think u can help me? only seven inches long UWU PLEASE ADOPT ME! paws on ur bulge as i lick my lips uwu ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kill me! bout hit'em with this furry ♥♥♥♥, he don't see it comin!
dev 2018年8月8日 15時37分 
Howdy, I was scrolling through steam and saw you and couldn’t help but try to get in your bed. I’m a little nervous sending this message, but I'm just hoping you're into these internet hookups as much as I am... I want you to know up front that I have a sweet northern charm and sweet look about me but I also have a legitimate addiction to sex and anything kinky...

I knew at an early age that I had no gag reflex and as soon as the boys realized I never choke ahah well.... hidden in this tells you im a trap but Let's just say I've been keeping my throat busy with boyfriend after boyfriend...Now I've been single for almost 6 months and it's KILLING me!... I grew up riding horses and have strong leg muscles so I'm sure riding YOU for hours would be NO problem ;)... I'm used to playing in the mud soooo having your sweet warm juices on me is actually really exciting... I'd love to feel you shower my slim body with your warm ♥♥♥ sometime.., YEEHAW!
dev 2018年7月7日 14時18分 
Yen 2018年7月7日 13時52分 
Howdy, I was scrolling through steam and saw you and couldn’t help but try to get in your bed. I’m a little nervous sending this message, but I'm just hoping you're into these internet hookups as much as I am... I want you to know up front that I have a sweet northern charm and sweet look about me but I also have a legitimate addiction to sex and anything kinky...

I knew at an early age that I had no gag reflex and as soon as the boys realized I never choke ahah well.... hidden in this tells you im a trap but Let's just say I've been keeping my throat busy with boyfriend after boyfriend...Now I've been single for almost 6 months and it's KILLING me!... I grew up riding horses and have strong leg muscles so I'm sure riding YOU for hours would be NO problem ;)... I'm used to playing in the mud soooo having your sweet warm juices on me is actually really exciting... I'd love to feel you shower my slim body with your warm ♥♥♥ sometime.., YEEHAW!
kiritomyman 2018年1月1日 12時24分 
♥♥♥♥ you I needed a fourth hello
dev 2018年1月1日 10時53分 
- rep ♥♥♥♥ you stole my wife in Afrika and my children :steamsad::steamfacepalm:
dev 2017年8月22日 8時06分 
| Windows Dialog                    [-][口][×] |
|  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ |
| Windows has detected that you are too awesome. |
|  Is this true?       |
|    ______    ______    _____   |
|    |  Yes   |   | Maybe |     |   No  | |
|     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  |
______________________________ __ _
dev 2017年8月12日 5時08分 
Yen 2017年3月27日 4時15分 
Jonas Fallhage 2017年2月19日 7時24分 
dev 2017年2月18日 14時31分 
..._.....____________________, ,
....../ `---___________----_____] = = = = = D
.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"

Here you have. Now you can go and kill you self XD
kiritomyman 2017年1月17日 12時10分 
+rep wery nice
walle 2017年1月10日 12時06分 
1.När din mamma drar undan gardinerna i ditt rum på morgonen så skriker du:"TEAMFLASH, JÄVLA NOOB"

2.När du äter byter du snabbt från kniv till gaffel och tillbacka.

3.När du ska gå till skolan tar du genast fram kniven för att kunna springa fortare.

4.När du skriker: "SLUTA BLOCKA JÄVLA NOOBS" i kön till maten.

5.När du tror tror att skyltdockorna i affären är folk som har laggat fast.

6.När du skriker:"NEED BACKUP!"på prov

7.När väckarklockan piper så springer du genast och hämtar verktygslådan för att defusa
walle 2017年1月8日 5時01分 
+rep ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
SIC 2016年3月27日 12時23分 
ебучая тварь
Eskadoodle 2015年3月22日 10時47分 

..._.....____________________, ,
....../ `---___________----_____] = = = = = D
.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"

Send this GUN to everyone you care about including me if you care. C how many times you get this, if you get a 9 your A TRUE HOMIE