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poundcake May 28 @ 8:54am 
virgin boy
PimpHype · ★Tommy★ May 27 @ 2:18pm 
Um, hi. I just recently saw your post about wanting a bf? So maybe I'd give it a shot, I mean you're really cute and friendly. I really like anime like you do! So, um.. Can we date? I'm sure we'll be the best otaku couple! We can listen to anime songs and maybe watch some Naruto and Dbz. Do you like those animes? It's okay if not.. Maybe we can watch something much more like hentai or not. I don't want to seem like your horny average guy, so we can watch something innocent. Maybe bleach.. Heh. You're so kawaii, y'know? I just want to kiss your face and call you my kohai. Would you like me to be your senpai boyfriend? I think it'll be really kawaii. I think I love you, kohai. Please make me happy and date a fellow otaku.
kolikokostadaytona? May 27 @ 11:25am 
kolikokostadaytona? May 27 @ 11:23am 
i hope u die piece of crap 2k elo ♥♥♥♥
THCtank2000 May 22 @ 10:05am 
Frank Horrigan 27 Oct, 2023 @ 11:14pm 
I will honestly have nightmares tonight knowing i might possibly be breathing the same air as this toxic piece of ♥♥♥♥, he'll leave his radiated serb pollutants on the air mollecules, positively giving me cancer, or worse, a serbian passport. If any of the aforementioned afflictions should strike me after my brief (but very bad!) interaction with you, you can expect a letter from my lawyer.
Frank Horrigan Oct 27, 2023 @ 1:14pm 
I will honestly have nightmares tonight knowing i might possibly be breathing the same air as this toxic piece of ♥♥♥♥, he'll leave his radiated serb pollutants on the air mollecules, positively giving me cancer, or worse, a serbian passport. If any of the aforementioned afflictions should strike me after my brief (but very bad!) interaction with you, you can expect a letter from my lawyer.