Hello, You can call me whatever you like, I've been called tampon, ptapabatsadskjfnlga, or in rare cases patathatapon. Just call me pat. Anyway, If you're from:

TF2R: Then I'll do my best to get to you, but if I can't give you your item immediately please wait.

A game you played with me: Add me, And I'll probably put you down in an area I won't delete you.

If you are here to beg, or spam fishy links at me, then please know that if you beg you will be blocked, and if you spam links you will be reported, and then blocked. Have a nice day!
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Προθήκη στιγμιοτύπων
(I am the said sister) Hey! It's very dark in this horror house guys!
Teddie 6 Μαρ, 17:04 
+rep plays the crapper <3
zioncooi 15 Οκτ 2023, 2:09 
+rep ♥♥♥♥ that nea
get saw trapped 11 Οκτ 2023, 16:06 
+rep sick bill skin
euphorie 29 Σεπ 2023, 3:19 
+rep wholesome killer :GhostFlowerHappy:
Nyto 22 Αυγ 2023, 4:56 
+rep cracked killer
Toaster Bath Build 19 Ιουλ 2023, 3:48 
+rep cracked ace gamer :zommetal: