Hong Kong
I like food, especially a nice cheese, excellent seafood, delicate meats and crisp salads
I would choose oatmeal and water over bad cheese, cheap seafood, freezer-burnt meats and dodgy salad
This has made it quite difficult for me to agree on restaurant choices with my family
Do you think I can make this a medical disability and claim benefits?
Mr.47 Apr 12 @ 10:45am 
Whoa hold up, I'm not into any of that funny stuff. I don't know what you were hoping will happen between us, but let's just keep this platonic alright. Dinner is fine, but finest restaurants only, delicate meats, crisp salads and all that.
Peyhah Apr 11 @ 6:51pm 
Why you keep coming back to deface my profile I don't know, but just now I'm starting to feel there's something in it worth admiring.
Mr.47 Apr 5 @ 12:38pm 
only eats boiled rice from the finest Chinese restaurants +rep
Mr.47 May 12, 2023 @ 5:04pm 
tic tac is just another pet project of the imperial chinese army. You can never sever those ties, especially after having a song made about you
Peyhah May 12, 2023 @ 4:23pm 
on whatever side ur not on to get away from ur toktiking link trash u scum
Mr.47 May 10, 2023 @ 8:20am 
when "it's on", I need to know what side you'll be on