過去 2週間のプレイ時間:

全24 中0 (0%) 実績解除:

You have seen nothing yet...

Die 5 times.
0 / 5

Smash them!

Smash 20 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.
0 / 20

Smash some more!

Smash 50 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.
0 / 50

Keep on smashing!

Smash 100 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.
0 / 100

Completely smashed!

Smash 150 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.


Collect 6 cards.


Collect 10 cards.


Collect all 14 cards.

Poor farmer boy...

Die 15 times.

This is getting awkward...

Die 50 times.

I can't take this anymore...

Die 250 times.

Death wish

die 1000 times.

Spare some change?

Have 500 coins in your wallet.

Middle classy

Have 1000 coins in your wallet.

Coming up in the world...

Have 2500 coins in your wallet.

All your coin are belong to me!

Have 5000 coins in your wallet.

8 個の秘密の実績が残っている
