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117.2 godz. łącznie (116.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
When I first started playing, yea it was kinda bumpy, alot things have to get used to. I see people complaining about the animations are bad, to be honest. Me and along the other people who gave this game a positive review are alright with it I dont see an issue. As long you love a Mount and Blade + Total War + Dynasty Warriors mashup, I think you'll enjoy it. I myself you can tell have spent quite few hours into the game, and to be honest again... I do play this game lesser abit due to me having end game stuff already... its still fun. Plus this game is still in "Early Access" means it still has a long development process... so expect alot changes to occur in the coming months.
Opublikowana: 24 listopada 2016.
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