
Biggus Dickus Maximus の最近のレビュー

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記録時間: 40.2 時間 (レビュー時に25.0時間)
First of all, the game is clearly still not optimized for PC's. If you are buying on PC chances are you will most likely encounter issues in that regard in which you have to figure out and fix on your own. Secondly, the game continues to be an essentially re skin of previous titles with not a lot of new substance. All this money EA has made with this game throughout the years, in 2023, cross play is still once again virtually non existent as any meaningful mode (FUT, pro clubs etc) is non cross platform compatible. WTF? all you can do is a online friendly, and my experience with that was tremendously laggy due to terrible EA servers. Thank god EA is losing this title, they have clearly lost the plot.
投稿日 2023年3月15日.
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記録時間: 309.1 時間 (レビュー時に270.3時間)
10/10 igm
投稿日 2015年9月26日.
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