Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
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2 van de 29 (7%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Little Guys

Upgrade a garrison to tier 5.
Ontgrendeld op 4 feb om 7:39


Reach greed without taking any damage.
Ontgrendeld op 4 feb om 7:38

Forgive me, for I have...

Punish 5000 sinners.

Power Trip

Play 100 power cards.

Going in Circles

Purge the final circle.

Big Gun

Upgrade a tower to tier 5.


Complete all challenges.

Middle Management

Unlock all characters.

Light Work

Reach the final circle using only holy damage.

Unholy Matrimony

Reach the final circle using only unholy damage.


Reach the final circle using only hellfire damage.

Card Captor

Purchase a card with credits.

Big Playa

Achieve a highscore of 200,000 in Endless mode.

A Worthy Sacrifice

Sacrifice 100 cards.

Lock, Stock and Smoking Sinners

Fully complete a Shift with John Fenriz.


Fully complete a Shift with Denny Fox.

Trade Secret

Fully complete a Shift with Niya Biblyat.

Fortune Favored

Fully complete a Shift with Greezy.

Rock your socks off

Fully complete a Shift with Unknown.

I'm just the Intern

Fully complete a Shift with Intern Ruby.


Fully complete a Shift with Gilbo Gibbins.

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