24 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 9.7 hrs on record
Posted: Jun 29, 2014 @ 7:37pm
Updated: Dec 21, 2014 @ 12:45pm

This game is fantastic, but this version isn't. First, it's an incredible pain in the ass to get a controller working, I had to fiddle with JoyToKey for a long time before getting it right. For a game that was originally released on console, this is unacceptable.
Second, and most importantly, the game crashes quite frequently, and considering save points are scarce and the (quite long) cut scenes cannot be skipped, this is *incredibly* frustrating. Also, you have to enable vsync on your graphic card because the screen tearing is monstrous. Audio bugs are also occasionally present, though not to the level of the first game.

I would only recommend the game if you truly cannot get a hold of the PlayStation 2 version at all. PS2 owners, don't bother with double-dipping for the convenience of Steam or the high res or whatnot, and especially not to support the publishers, because they don't deserve your money for this lame cashgrab.

The game itself is quite good, however. Its graphics aged really well and look very good under modern resolutions, the story and voice acting and atmosphere are as compelling as ever, and the level design is spectacular. The camera isn't perfect, it's rather dated, but it helps to bind it on the right analog stick if you can. Combat, similarly to the camera, is both a bit dated yet serviceable enough, and impaling and beheading enemies still feel satisfying.

It's too bad this PC port is so shoddy; no effort whatsoever has been made to make it stable and controller-friendly. This game deserves better than a less-than-mediocre port. I bought this in the LoK bundle during a sale at quite a good price, and I still feel ripped off. After a crash happened which made me lose over 90 minutes of progress (including long, unskippable cut scenes) due the scarcity of save points, I simply gave up on this playthrough (since I beat it more than once on PS2 back in the day).
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Morrigan Sep 13, 2014 @ 2:31pm 
Doktor Mandrake: I was using Xinput and JoyToKey to bind the buttons to keyboard keys (so the game "thought" I was playing with the keyboard). It worked fine once I got it running, but it was a pain in the ass.

I don't know if it would be any different with DirectInput.
Doktor Mandrake Sep 13, 2014 @ 3:58am 
Can I ask, was you trying to use DirectInput Controller or Xinput?
F4/80 Jul 3, 2014 @ 11:07am 
Yeah, that's really really true! Wrote also a review with the same bugs and gave up also after a crash! Tried everything didn't work, now watch only "let's play".
3 out of 4 people didn't like my review :-)