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15 중 0 (0%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제

Puppy Parent

Adopt your first best friend forever.

Rainbow Bae

Go on a date with every love interest.

Attain the Unattainable

Complete Anders’ romance route.

Datin’ and Skatin’

Complete Astrid’s romance route.

True Crime, True Love

Complete Felix’s romance route.

Powerwalking on Sunshine

Complete Maribel’s romance route.


Complete Robin’s romance route.

Pillowfort for Two

Complete Sacha’s romance route.

Is it a Dog? Is it a Plane?

Reach Level 10 in your dog’s Fitness trait.

Politest Pup in Rainbow Bay

Reach Level 10 in your dog’s Manners trait.

Puppy Einstein

Reach Level 10 in your dog’s Smarts trait.


Reach Level 10 in your dog’s Sociability trait.

Reliable Dog Owner

Reach Level 10 in your dog’s Trust trait.

2 개의 숨겨진 도전 과제가 남아있음

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