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4 people found this review helpful
106.1 hrs on record (90.6 hrs at review time)
Playable Tenshi, Hecatia, Akyuu and Rei'sen is always a win
Posted November 10, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
568.6 hrs on record (21.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Ah yes--- The time I got hit back a log and got teleported back to base..

By nature truly.
Posted April 21, 2021.
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6 people found this review helpful
2,324.0 hrs on record (1,170.1 hrs at review time)
This Review got updated in July 18, 2023 to fix some of the phrasing I've made way back then.

Touhou Genso Wanderer -Reloaded- is, like it's basic description says, roguelike RPG game the puts the player into various dungeons and gives them the scenario to overcome these dungeons and its enemies in the place known as Gensokyo. This review will contain cover multiple parts of the game, from graphics/interface to the entire story itself and even bit of the DLCs. Spoilers will surely appear but I'll limit them as much as I can.
Do note that this review is also from an individual that has NEVER any of the roguelite when first playing this game, or any of the pokemon mystery dungeons this game is mentioned with.

How about a tl:dr?
Phenomenal, very solid and interesting game, and I highly recommend. The story is very amazing, graphics are great, the characters are unique and have their own playstyles. Music so amazing to hear as well in this Touhou fangame, it uses remixesof the originals, uses fittingly in most scenarios while also having some originals of their own.
In terms of difficuly, itjumps are severely high without really any good indicator. The lack of specific descriptions against certain enemies and/or dungeon mechanics can really demotivate or rage you when it gets you, and can even force you to start over or have you quit the game. Howver, braving the difficulty and finishing dungeons in this game feels rewarding with its pride of accomplishment, and this experience will help you finish the other difficulty dungeons. While this game is roguelite too, the game does let you keep equipment and items you've gotten when you lost or retreat on non-skin dive dungeons, allowing you to find the right equipment and items you'll want to finish those dungeons.
If you want a game with a great story with funny dialogues, great graphics, lot of characters to choose from and even a difficult late game dungeons, then this game is a recommended grab!

Longer version below since your actually decided to read this far!

The Graphics and Interface
The graphics of the game is amazing: the artstyle for the characters are rich and absolutely gorgeous and equipment design & effects varies and truly show off their uniqueness. The dungeon designs are very nice, even with some hinting some references from other media as well. The interface design changing to whoever character you're using is also a, while tiny, is a really nie touch that allows you to feel the character more while playing them. There are also some funny ones too, like when characters gets hungry or when they go Insane on their character portraits.
The quick access (I don't personally know) when pressing the space key is a great quality of life when ordering your ally and changing how the interface looks.
However, the interface of this game is really horrible, especally for first timers. The map tends to block a big portion of the screen when navigating dungeons and you can't adjust the size of it. While you can hide the map, having it hidden in a game like this is not really a recommendation I'll say, despite it blocking 1/4 of your screen. Inventory management and navigation on this game is also really clunky to use: you need to navigate multiple tabs and even select each item individually to quickly use them amass if possible.

The Story
The story in the game is absolutely peak, being the 1st "main arc" my personal favorite.
It has great dialogues between the characters, impressive cut scenes and absolute humor. After 1st main story arc, the main story feels to--- get less interesting. While, it is indeed great that you get to have more stories after the 1st, I really feel the story after isn't that much interesting.
The several side stories also gives more connections and references to the main story arc, and having the creator thought of this is a very nice and impressive touch.
I'll give this game extra credits for finally using a "him" as our main antagonist, because I'll be real, I didn't expect it to be him when I heard this game before.

The most underwhelming story I found is going to 3rd main story arc. It's basically a dungeon filled with various unique mechanics and that's about it. Maybe it wasn't actually designed for the story, but for more variety for it's gameplay? But still, I found to be quite not that weak in terms of why it exist for story.

The Characters
(Gameplay + their design/voice)
This game has a lot of character to try even without any DLCs. The base game comes 7 PC (playable characters): Reimu, Futo, Marisa, Flandre, Aya, Momiji Sanae, each becoming playable after you finish their respective story parts, except Reimu which becomes playable right off the bat. They have various gameplay styles, with Reimu being the jack-of-all stats to Sanae being an AoE damage dealer. 7 doesn't seem too large right? Well, the game also offers you the ability to pick an ally when a scenario begins! The base game gives you a hefty amount of allies to go with once you finish what you need, each having there own uniqueness of how they work with you and assist you.
Now, the DLC adds a larger gameplay variety. All partners become possible to use as a PC which further adds more gameplay in finishing those dungeons!

It's noteworthy to say that they have their own spellcards as well. Most of the time, spellcards simply varies between hitting all enemies or hitting enemies around the player. Using a spellcard of another character (let's say Reimu using Futo's spellcard) will do nothing. Some spellcards will buff allies, some will debuff enemies in addition of their damage delivery and others may have a special purpose. It adds an extra bonus when playing as this specific character, so looking into these and their gameplay is great and adds some experience!
However, it is note worthing that not every character on the same power as each other, meaning some characters are definitely gonna be more powerful than others if compared. An easy example would be Daiyousei (a DLC playable and partner character), is regarded as one of the most broken playables in the game due to her cheap revive, which no other character can replicate.

In terms of design, like I've said before, the design of the characters are just gorgeous. The voice acting is amazing and I really love how they seem to fit well in some characters. The best voice I found while playing is Marisa and Yuugi's, as they sound almost on point in my head canon.

The Gameplay
"....that's easy for beginners to pickup and play, but with tons of advanced options for pros!..."

You get a tutorial on how to do the basics... Not that hard right? You have Kasen's Dojo to show you more basics and intermediate stuff, sorta difficult yes?
Well, the gameplay is rather straight: you enter a dungeon, grab objects/materials in order to battle your way in the dungeon until the final floor/boos fight. In dungeons where you can bring your own items, players will need to grind to order to be powerful, hence, the fusion (later on Meld) mechanic exist to help them grow and make the items they need. They also have ability to use mixing and disassemble.
Basically, it still follows the basic dungeon gameplay: where you need materials to improve and progress. Being observant and experimental is key in playing this game onwards, so expect a lot of trial and error.
You have a wide variety of enemies too, which can go from harmless to absolutely terrifying.
Bosses are no exception, the game has a huge variety of them with their own mechanics, they vary from various basic attack abilities to 1HKO moves.

I'll continue the updated review on the comment cause the old one got cut (maybe a steam update I didn't know about?)
Posted April 17, 2021. Last edited July 18, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
13.4 hrs on record
I bought this cause I wanna play as Remilia but I somehow ended up using Sakuya and finishing the game and achievements with her---

Seriously tho, very fun and interesting game.. The artstyle of the scenes is amazing and the in-game assets are decent enough. Music is top-tier, really love the theme when fighting the bosses.
Posted February 9, 2021. Last edited April 17, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
3.7 hrs on record (3.6 hrs at review time)
Quick 2 things before I do a review:
- Nice art..
- Some achievements have really funny and unique names... truly something


Honestly, this visual novel is almost borderline neutral for me. The character art is really nice in my opinion and the animations adds a much more lively feeling even tho it's slight/minor. The background music/sounds are great and I'll say that I'm a fan of it so much. Honestly, these 2 are the strong points of this Visual Novel: the art and animation + the great background music.

The game mentions a lot of explanations that Touhou people can be familiar off, which is nice and if they're not, it's briefly explained by the game piece by piece.

You don't expect it to be perfect ofc. There's quite a few grammar mistakes and error in the dialogues but this doesn't have much heavy impact through the experience and they're already fixing these errors so that's great, but still pointing it out for some people who may saw some in-game. The story is also, rather straight-forward and quite random and short. Some particular events can be a lot longer such as the time when Reimu and the protagonist met Yukari and Tenshi, and add some more time for character development. Also, it's kinda unexpected this also happens in Reimu's birthday .. And kinda funny how a lot happens cause of Marisa's job--

I wish the game would add some options that may change the dialogues of some characters/alter the event entirely then slowly derail to another ending, so it can add some more interesting events in the VN. I suddenly thought of this when there's some times where your character tends to set some flags like for Tenshi and Marisa, but ofc this isn't force, and basic improvements and fixes is better to have first.

So what's the consensus?
I enjoyed it for 3hrs, looked at the arts, listened to the music and made me thought some life. If you want to lay down, listen to chill and relaxing music, have some laughs and reflect some life thought, then it's a recommend from me even with the full price, but if you're skeptical about it, you can wait for a sale and that works too.
7.5/10 really

I am honestly wanting more-- maybe hmm... Marisa route please?
Posted December 24, 2020. Last edited January 27, 2021.
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17.6 hrs on record (15.3 hrs at review time)
Interesting and really simple game. You don't get pressured outside of learning the game in the first few stages. The music is a banger, as expected of a Touhou game really and my favorites would be Reimu and Remilia's theme.
Also, love how Reimu gives a throwback to her PC-98 self, that thing is just surprising and amazing.
Now, can we please have Cirno in steam-?

EDIT: Today at 01/19/21, Cirno has finally been added! And damn, she's really ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ epic for a midstage.
Posted October 16, 2020. Last edited January 18, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
312.9 hrs on record (158.7 hrs at review time)
Pretty fun and interesting game.
I've only started playing this game when it was free and I can say the game truly going in various updates just to keep the game fun. It's very simple and rather straightforward game that I really love: You control a PC character, collect points and faith, build up an army and crush your opponent! As easy as it sounds, you truly can't just go to sheer spamming and need to really adjust your tactics base on what your enemies have (even against AIs!). The currency used to buy more PCs and units aren't hard to grind as well, since VS battle and Adventure tends to give a decent amount base on the player's run time.
The PCs right now is limited, with Cirno being the latest when I'm writing this, and the unit list offers a lot of variety to gameplay and tactics. The game also makes some units become free to use for a week, and changes again after. This lets you to try them a bit and ensure you really wanna buy them. As expected, some units would be better than the rest due to price difference and it is understandable to some extend.
The BGM of the game too is really nice, especially the one in the lobby/main menu.
The devs are indeed updating the game frequently for adding new content, bug fixes and balancing as well. I'm looking forward to the development of this game further as the days passed! Truly enjoyed and love this game.
Posted September 20, 2020. Last edited September 20, 2020.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries