g 19 juin à 21h42 
hattrick swayze 15 juin à 1h14 
Dear Butterscotch, if theres one thing i wanted to tell you its that you are beautiful. Remember that time i was getting bullied on the swingset? I had no help, no friends no NOTHING. and then here comes Sir Micheal Oxlong the III Jr. He pushed and shoved my bullies away, and took the pain away. I am forever grateful to Butterscotch A.K.A Mr Incredible. :virtuspro: LOVE U
hattrick swayze 15 juin à 1h11 
wait, is this bc_butterscotch! the famous man himself! i was told to come see you from the shivering isles! ahoy! lets become dragonborn!
hattrick swayze 15 juin à 1h09 
michael oxlong, hi its me, cotovelo. I just wanted to say i love you. I am not a hater. but a lover.
Bodak Klack 12 juin à 20h27 
cringe furry, why you talk so much?
cotovelo 4 juin à 23h34 
hi its me cotovelo (the guy from duwap's chat)
mffn 4 juin à 23h33 
Zourbie 3 juin à 19h47 
⠀⠀⠀⣴⠿⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢳⡀⠀⡏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢷
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Girl Cock Enjoyer 3 juin à 19h46 
signed by Girl ♥♥♥♥ Enjoyer :sadisthappy:
ÆSTHETIC. 3 juin à 19h44 
huge ♥♥♥♥♥♥ dong^
butterscotch 31 mai à 19h13 
thanks mump
mump 31 mai à 19h13 
michael, if theres one observation i could make of you of a person... it must be that you're oxlong. or is it that your ox is long. or is it that your ock is long. hm. these are questions for a brighter mind than me. who out there has a brighter mind? valid question, there are lots with a brighter mind thats for sure. but if I had to pick one, it must be none other than butterscotch. and for that, i salute you. Thanks for being cool, keep the swag turned uo. love muimp
kae1ic 31 mai à 19h10 
mump is a short ♥♥♥♥
butterscotch 15 avr. à 19h14 
thanks wap
duWap 15 avr. à 19h13 
nice inv
MrCum 3 avr. à 13h37 
I used to be racist, but when I met them irl I quickly became friends with them and I exposed myself to their culture. smoking a lot of weed, playing basketball, listening and making beats and rap music, breakdancing etc. soon my black friends would invite me to their thanksgiving dinner and ♥♥♥♥ they were always there for me. they would call me one of them and that i could use the term because i was a real.
MrCum 25 mars à 17h43 
the sperm travels to the woman's brain as they become one
butterscotch 23 févr. à 15h59 
Thanks princess of Sweden
MrCum 6 janv. à 13h37 
According to the Benton County district attorney’s office, Mills, 36, masturbated into a water bottle of another person with the intent of that person unknowingly drinking it and sharing the video online for financial benefit on Jan. 5, 2022.
MrCum 4 janv. à 13h42 
Not funny I didn't laugh. Your joke is so bad I would have preferred the joke went over my head and you gave up re-telling me the joke. To be honest this is a horrid attempt at trying to get a laugh out of me. Not a chuckle, not a hehe, not even a subtle burst of air out of my esophagus. Science says before you laugh your brain preps your face muscles but I didn't even feel the slightest twitch. 0/10 this joke is so bad I cannot believe anyone legally allowed you to be creative at all. The amount of brain power you must have put into that joke has the potential to power every house on Earth. Get a personality and learn how to make jokes, read a book. I'm not saying this to be funny I genuinely mean it on how this is just bottom barrel embarrassment at comedy. You've single handedly killed humor and every comedic act on the planet. I'm so disappointed that society has failed as a whole in being able to teach you how to be funny.
MrCum 4 janv. à 13h22 
“The Andes, running along South America’s western side, is among the world’s longest mountain ranges. Its varied terrain encompasses glaciers, volcanoes, grassland, desert, lakes and forest.”
MrCum 3 janv. à 7h46 
We started talking for hours but thats not what you all are here for because a few weeks later she called me to come to her house again and that her parents were not home.Her parents were not home.Her parents were not home.Her parents were not home.
MrCum 1 janv. à 11h55 
It took an hour but once I arived it was the same house as the one in the picture so I was really exited.
I knocked the door and was greated by her, she did not know me at first but soon realized that it was me.
She let me inside.She let me inside.She let me inside.
MrCum 13 déc. 2023 à 20h45 

okay... i showed you my tits please respond
MrCum 13 déc. 2023 à 20h36 
*Points cocking gun at you* Boom boom boom boom boom. Someone asked me about shooting up buildings. That'd take a lot of work. I want you to think about working smarter not harder. You can take a humidifier and fill it with gasoline and set a timer. With a candle or some kind of ignition device on the other side of the attic or crawl space. So by the time the fumes reach the other side of the attic or crawl space there's enough gasoline that *WOOSH* to vaporize the building. You can get into the attic or crawl space during off hours. Right, and set the timer for peak hours so nobody knows you were ever there. *Points cocking gun at you* Boom. You think about it. Running around a building shooting everybody up. That's a waste of time. Right, but putting a vaporizer or humidifier full of gasoline in an attic or crawl space during off hours...
yngcro 13 déc. 2023 à 0h31 
yngcro 13 déc. 2023 à 0h28 

| KAWAII TRUCK | ‘|”“”;.., ___.
|_…_…______===|= _|__|…, ] |
”(@ )’(@ )”“”“*|(@ )(@ )*****(@    ⊂(゚Д゚⊂⌒) NO KAWAII TRUCK NO!!!

MrCum 2 déc. 2023 à 15h47 
I've had daily diarrhea for the last 6 years. Not a single solid stool during that entire time. Every morning I wake up and drink 3 cups of coffee, consume nicotine in some form and 30 minutes later I go to the bathroom and spray liquid ♥♥♥♥ out of my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ for the next hour. I also have random diarrhea attacks throughout the day.
MrCum 28 nov. 2023 à 16h35 
When i was little, i had a hampster as a class pet. we took turns over the weekends taking him home to take care of. when it was my turn, i took him home and played legos with him, i later lost him in the pile of legos. so i did what any 10 year old would do. i dug through the legos violently, eventually without realizing it, i had grasped the hampster and flung him behind me (luckily onto my blanket) he was unharmed and i was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ myself about it.
MrCum 15 nov. 2023 à 12h10 
MILK AND MOTHERHOOD go hand-in-hand. In order to produce milk, dairy cows have to give birth, which means they have to get pregnant every year. You might think that would be a simple birds-and-bees thing–put a cow and a bull in a paddock and give them some privacy. But in fact, it’s one of the most sophisticated and difficult parts of modern herd management (and that’s saying something).
MrCum 11 nov. 2023 à 18h31 
It's COOL to be gay!
Post this on the wall of a homosexual friend and tell them how COOL they are
MrCum 4 nov. 2023 à 20h10 
I hate goats. They are filthy, disgusting creatures. They will eat literally anything. I've witnessed 6 of them eat a 40lb bag of pelletized lime fertilizer, bag and all. I've seen one piss into his own mouth. If that wasn't disgusting enough, his goat buddy came over to have a sip too.
MrCum 4 nov. 2023 à 18h46 
well i hope you enjoyed your stroek :0
MrCum 3 nov. 2023 à 19h20 
right, you ♥♥♥♥♥♥ little laugh I’ve jus been on THA ♥♥♥♥♥♥ MOTAWAY, stressed the ♥♥♥♥ out, I’ve just had to smash…a can of my…usual, Pink Gin something something ministries rollin (*gulp) (*gulp) (*gulp)…😖…I can’t hit two of these i got a bible bash at church tonight, see to praise the lord 🍻
MrCum 2 nov. 2023 à 12h44 
Saw you on my old comments from way back in 2014, forgot how we met. I’m old as hell now, 20. lol
butterscotch 1 nov. 2023 à 19h19 
Himmy Buckets 21 sept. 2023 à 19h18 
Mike Oxlong was here
yngcro 3 aout 2023 à 13h22 
This man pulled out the racks on me and my children, we were all traumatized from the event. I will never forgive this man. Please stay far way from him, his racks are too powerful.
butterscotch 18 janv. 2023 à 8h20 
This person has been banned from several online gaming communities for things such as hacking in Rust, defrauding children in Roblox, and extensive racism across many forums. He has been fined on multiple occasions by the FCC and has been served several search warrants in the past over online conduct. I don't know how this person keeps getting their account back after being reported so many times. He will steal your money and then he'll steal your identity.
[!?] Physical 21 juil. 2018 à 15h30 
Everyone measures their ♥♥♥♥ wrong. You don't want to measure length or girth. You want to measure displacement. Get a measuring jug and fill with water to the brim. Drop your meat in the water, the water will overflow. Measure what is displaced. Voila. ♥♥♥♥ dicksplacement.
Halcyon 6 juil. 2018 à 11h11 
*stabs u*
im just so random xd
Lil Glowsticc 24 avr. 2018 à 20h03 
-rep team killed me for my awp and didnt even ask for it which i wouldve gave to him team killed for no reason.
butterscotch 17 avr. 2018 à 20h58 
i hope i get banned
Kenni 17 avr. 2018 à 20h20 
reported for harassment
gggghosty 17 avr. 2018 à 12h41 
Number 14: Taco Bell piss nachos. The last thing you’d want in your Taco Bell nachos is someone’s piss, but as it turns out, that might be what you get. A 4channer uploaded a picture of nachos with his piss on them, with the quote, “These are the nachos you receive at Taco Bell.” Admittedly, he had a condom on;

But that's even worse.
Jester Needs to Borrow $3000 22 mars 2018 à 23h38 
i vape grass
butterscotch 12 mars 2018 à 22h35 
what does this mean
Halcyon 5 janv. 2018 à 8h50 
▌▄▄▀▀                  ▌░░░░▄███████▄
le ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ toucan needs this month's rent
[!?] Physical 28 déc. 2017 à 15h41 
Cool racism bro makes you seem like a big man on the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ internet. Literally say that to my face, I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dare you, say this kinda ♥♥♥♥ in front of me and I’ll rip your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ face off with my paw so damn fast your brain wouldn’t even have time to recognize it. I’ll gladly enjoy the red spray squirting from your frontal lobe on my fursuit and drenched in your dying blood. I wouldn’t even need to bath with it on because your’s wouldn’t be he first blood that’s coated my hide, and I take pride in showing what happens when someone disrespects me or someone in my pack.