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Geplaatst: 26 jun 2017 om 4:16

This story is much better than the first one, both in the sudden spoilery events of FMS one being graphic while not nearly as much graphicness in this one, as well as also helping to show growth in Selphine's character. This episode does pacing and setting much better than the first one, even when considering that the first episode has a lot of worldbuilding to give. I found it much easier to immerse myself in episode 2, and feel that things were of a relatively natural flow.
The "hidden" achievements haven't gotten any less skeevy though.
Mechanically, VN transitions are better than the first; I especially loved one of the events that happens early in the story, due to how it was played out. The only spoiler I will give is this: This episode has no pseudo-choices like episode 1, and is purely a linear novel.

Overall, if you were uncertain about continuing the story for any reason from FMS 1, let me assure you that FMS 2 is MUCH better.
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