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Скорошни рецензии на Gerdsch

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29.2 изиграни часа (26.7 часа по време на рецензията)
Rating 93 / 100 - Finally the plastic age is over, thank!

After abput 15 hours of play, I just want to recommend this game to anybody who ever had the dream of playing (and mastering) a guitar. In contrast to many of the comments in game magazines I never had any guitar lessons, but nevertheless, that's no problem.

I started like many music-gamers with the guitar hero series - nice, but not satisfactory in any way. One year ago I bought my first guitar - a Fender from America - and made my first steps alone until now. So I had a little presentiment of doing it, but no lessons at all.

The start of Rocksmith is hard, challenging but always fair. And if you bite through the first 3 or 4 hours, then the "game" opens you a new sight and many possibilities of managing your peronal guitar-skills. Sure there are still some bugs and nasty events in the game, but nothing that a patch could not fix. Actually it is already quite more accurate that any of the guitar-hero games.

The negative point is, if you don't have any E-guitar at this time, it is getting expensive. The guitar in the bundle sold by Ubisoft is not much more than a toy; nobody will be happy with that - if you can't get out a straight sound, 'cause your sound pick-ups are cheapest of the cheap, you will stop immediately. So invest your money wisely, but a good guitar should be avaliable for about 500$ already.
On the other side, the software-aplifier makes a very good impression; so there's no need for an exra amplifier (if you have the right speakers with a phat sound connected).

So, my state is clear - if you're looking for a guitar-training, to improve your skills and be prepared for cramping hands, then I can recommend for 100% sure. It is just making fun, to see youself improving from song to song. But if you are looking for a game - then should get on your console for a guitar-hero session.
Публикувана 1 декември 2012.
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