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发布于:2021 年 5 月 2 日 下午 4:13

The Second Sky is, without a doubt in my mind, the height of the DROD series. That comes with the caveat that it might be a struggle to get into if you aren't already familiar with earlier games in the series, like Gunthro and the Epic Blunder, as it ramps up rather quickly, but it does so much right that I can't help but place it amongst my favorite games.

To those new to it, DROD is a turn based 2D puzzle game where you play a guy with a Really Big Sword, which takes up space in front of him, and each step you can choose to move or turn your sword. It's separated from its contemporaries in puzzle games by having a heavy focus on combat with enemies that also move when you do, each of which have their own quirks and behaviors.

Chronologically, The Second Sky, is the last part of Beethro's story in the DROD series, which started from King Dugan's Dungeon, and was followed up by Journey to Rooted Hold and The City Beneath. If you're new, it does include a short recap at the beginning of the game, but there still may be a lot to catch up on here if you're invested in the lore of the series.

Relative to previous games, Second Sky has less focus on trying to carve your way through hordes of enemies, opting instead to lean more towards smaller, focused, and less combat intensive puzzles. And, that, it does this extremely well, with every room having had considerable amount of thought and design placed in it, always interesting and always offering something new to you. ... But also occasionally devilishly hard, too.

If some of the puzzles are too difficult, and it's very likely you'll struggle pretty hard with quite a few, there's an extensive hint board on their forums for virtually every room in the game. Just about any potential question you could have, without outright spoiling the answer for you, is answered there. Don't be afraid of being stuck, we're in this together!
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