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Posted: Feb 16, 2016 @ 5:00am

CS:GO Review
You should not buy this game if:
-You are easily addicted to gambling.
-You don't have friends to play with.
--Or you can't deal with russians, idiots, or russian idiots.
-You get frustrated very fast by smurfs (or hackers in higher ranks)
-You don't want to loose your life into it.

If you can handle all of the ♥♥♥♥ above, it is a great game:
-Tons of free gamemodes and maps by the community.
-I have never been as compelled by a competetive gamemode as of CSGO's
--Matchmaking is ♥♥♥♥ sometimes, but FaceIt and ESEA are great alternatives. (In my opinion)
-Competitive Scene is great to watch.
-Has a pretty fun reddit circlejerk forum.

--> The reasons to not play this game seem pretty strong, but believe me, at its best, CSGO is the most fun game I have ever got into. After more then 1500 hours (I have smurfs, dont kill me), I still do not seem to get tired of it. So if you dont invest heavily into skins, its great value
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