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Reseñas recientes de xenu

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A 5 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
59.5 h registradas (15.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This game is a ghost town simulator. Apparently 10,000 players online but I cant fill a lobby. Good luck grinding out the cards you need. Lobbies don't fill so you are dependent AI, and they cannot path themselves correctly. Enemies and maps are horribly designed and way too enclosed. You will spend most of your time sitting in a corner as AOE enemies spawn and rush you from all angles. Sounds and gun design are good, but you cant remove attachments from weapons and the gunplay leaves a lot to be desired. This game needs an entire rebalance, and I'm not surprised its currently the vacant wasteland that it is.
Publicada el 23 de noviembre de 2021.
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2.4 h registradas
This game is a testament to everything currently wrong with Steam's platform. The game was released in an unplayable state, riddled with incompetent level design and the clunkiest of 'gameplay' features. The pricetag on this game is a complete joke. Frankly this is worse than a lot of the Half-Life mods you can download for free.

The assets used in this game do not fit into the Half-Life universe and all feel strangely out of place. The weapon select system requires you to open a menu to manually switch between guns which can often ruin the pacing of a 'firefight'. Additionally, there is rarely a need to actually fight the AI in this game. The node pathing is done horribly and many enemies will just stand in the open and fire at you or run in a straight line to their demise.

When it comes to level design or coherency, everything is left to be desired. Levels are sparce and lacking detail. Invisible walls and missing textures are abundent. Lighting is not used to guide the player and feels unnatural and lazy.

The re-skinned Half-Life content is hardly different from the vanilla game and is frankly insulting. The worst culprit being the vehicle driving sections of this game which do an injustice to the original Highway 17 chapter. The game completely reuses LEVELS from the original game, including Ravenholm and the opening C17 level from HL2.

Punishing games can be very rewarding when there is some feeling of accomplishment out of completing them. This game does not itch that scratch and typically just leaves the player feeling startled or confused upon completing an objective.

The game itself is a scattered, discombobulating day hike that leaves you feeling like a freshly-mugged Alzheimer's patient.

The fact that Valve's IP is being publically spit on like this is a true shame, let alone to have it done on their own content sharing platform. I do not recommend that any Half-Life fan purchase this game. For me, it wasn't even worth the novelty value.

(I was able to recieve a full refund for this game.)
Publicada el 4 de abril de 2018. Última edición: 4 de abril de 2018.
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A 2 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
0.8 h registradas
A wonderful game if you are into a great story and great environment. It's more of a sight-seeing tour than anything with an interesting plot; so if you are expecting a game full of action and adventure this is not a game for you. It's different than anything else I've played -worth the $5 if you get it on sale.
Publicada el 15 de mayo de 2012.
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A 1 persona le pareció útil esta reseña
59.3 h registradas
Great game, especially fun co-op. Worth the $30, every penny pays for the action.
Publicada el 20 de diciembre de 2010.
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