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Postat: 22 mart. la 12:23
Actualizat: 22 mart. la 12:23

Game is a lot of fun to play, it's one of my go to games currently for multiplayer pvp... I will probably keep it in the rotation for some years to come. I come from a background of shooters but this quickly became a favorite.

It can be frustrating if you are new. Lots of good players who have been playing for years, but if you are willing to be patient, and even search up some guides from plenty of good players who make videos and such.. you will get a great idea of how to play the game, and after enough time you will be one of those good players that frustrates people.

I like to say, the barrier for entry is low, but the skill-ceiling is high. If you're a casual you can still enjoy the game, but be prepared to die if you don't bother understanding basic counters and stabs.

The community is 70/30, there are a lot of cry babies (I got kicked for making a joke about spear being the hardest weapon to use) nice abuse of the kicking system just as one example. I wasn't really angry more than I was shocked because you can hardly ever manage kick someone who's actually tking mates or just being a nuisance in general. Some people take this game way too serious, like it's ranked or something (there is no rank, this game is a casual game and should be treated as such) go in with the goal of having fun, not being a sweaty 360 420 no scoper, or be prepared to be targeted by players like me (I love focusing sweaties and tea bagging them, I love talking a little bit of trash, welcome to the gaming world)

There's a lot of options for weapons, I recommend practicing and playing with the long sword for the most of your learning experience before you try other weapons. It's a well balanced weapon, and your skill with the long sword will carry over into other weapons

Personally I never learned to play on the duel servers, I prefer team objective it's pretty much all I play. I find dueling rather boring, however it can be an excellent place to learn the combat if you are interested in meeting other players, they will probably help you and teach you if you prefer real-time learning rather than watching guides.

TL;DR buy the game if you are interested, I'm sure you'll have some fun on it. Don't expect to be racking up high kill counts right away unless you know the basics, and most of all... relax.... it's just a game. Don't take people so seriously, and don't take things so personally
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