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Verfasst: 20. Feb. 2015 um 8:03
Aktualisiert: 22. Sep. 2015 um 10:16

First I'd like to say, that CS:GO is love! <3

As of now, 22.09.2015, I have 450 CS:GO hours on my counter.. And definitely not done playing!

There are some really beautiful maps in this game, like, for instance: Nuke, Office, Mirage, Italy, Dust I, Dust II. These maps are all worth a visit.. And if you want to visit these nice must-seen places, you have to buy the game. :)

The skins costs extra money, I know, but having them, and looking at those nice colors on your screen. It makes me happy. Some skins are just so beautiful and nice and colorful!

I love Deathmatch most. But to have a rank, I have to play Competitive sometimes. Beware of a lot of rage. xD

Just buy the game already! It's really worth it. And if you think it's too much, wait for a sale, and buy it then! :D

Really recommend this really, really, really fun game! Best game on my account.

I have no other game even reaching 100 hours. This game, atm 450 hours, and will be much more.

Buy, buy, buy! :D
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