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Получено 3 из 19 (16%) достижений:
Личные достижения


Hatch a bird
Дата получения: 30 мар. 2021 г. в 10:26

Fatal Dash

Hurt a buzzard by letting it dash into a solid
Дата получения: 21 июл. 2016 г. в 14:50

Danger From Above

Hurt an animal with a stone you dropped
Дата получения: 30 мар. 2021 г. в 10:25

Lynx Teaser

Lift a lynx in the air by its tail

Deep Sea Diver

Dive the deepest well


Find all hidden rune orbs
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Bird Fight

Get a daw to fight a buzzard


Feed the daw with prey

Mother of Many

Get a female rabbit to give birth to 8 babies

Air Strike

Get a buzzard to hit a lynx

Sliver hoarder

Carry a total of 130 slivers
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Bring an animal from one area to another

Born To Kill

Hatch a buzzard and let it kill a lynx


Throw and Catch rabbit in mid air

Thorny Thistle

Hit an animal with a thistle


Don't hurt anything


Never get critical health


Never get hurt

Скрытых достижений осталось: 1

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