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Upplagd: 24 jul, 2015 @ 7:11

I don't know where and when I got this game...
But... This game...
This game is awesome!

I liked the overall parody feel about it while it has a strong and solid work about delivering action and plot in moderation, getting some loud laughs from me here and there. The battle is unforgiving, so you always have to be focused, despite it being turn-based. The difficulty is adjustable in a manner "How frisky you are today?", taking on anything between 1 and 7 rats or elite monsters. The open-ended way the characters are presented lets you use your imagination. I do feel like playing a table top sheets'n'pens while playing this. Yes, the feel of every character is an illusion, but it's a very-VERY well made illusion.

Another point is the building difficulty: Items give you stats that you barely see. Levels give you damage that you barely see. Hp and Mana regen is earned by tears and sweat dripping down your inner thigh. All this while enemy shamelessly uses lifesteal and applies crazy bleeding stacks. Some battles will be so tight that you will stain your undergarments a bit and still lose because of the enemy randomly preferring your rouge to your fully buffed granny paladin. You will put a sleep on a DoT'ed enemy and lose your healer because of that, and you will spend 4 times the money you earned in that battle to revive your team. You will even spend 2k on upgrading your sword and still get nothing in return because you are a looser and you will have no money to leave the god forsaken town.
But... You know... That's what's good about this game... That's what's your adventure is. And you should not just accept it, but have tons of fun while at it!

I would like to say thank you to the developers. I've seen a lot of attempts to do what they achieved in this game and i think they did it better than anyone else I've seen so far, including UnEpic and Magicka, the first being too far away and the second being a bit too silly. But this game, oh, this game grabs the bull by his modesty and makes him enjoy it so much that he's ashamed afterwards, but he begs for more.

Highly recommend.
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